Exam in the specialty "Infectious Diseases"
Зачетно-экзаменационные ведомости:
- группа 1520 от 23.05.2020 г.
- группа 1524 от 23.05.2020 г.
- группа 1529 от 23.05.2020 г.
- группа 1526 от 23.05.2020 г.
- группа 1522 от 23.05.2020 г.
- группы 1518, 1525, 1528 от 22.05.2020 г.
- группа 1523 от 21.05.2020 г.
- группа 1519 от 21.05.2020 г.
- группы 1521, 1528, 1530, 1527 от 20.05.2020 г.
Exam 22.05.2020 (1518, 1525, 1529)
1. An exam in the specialty "Infectious Diseases" is carried out online - a video conference mode with audio-visual contact of the student with the teacher through the use of ZOOM.
3. Before the exam, the student will be identified, for which he must present the 3rd page of the passport, closing the number and series.
4. The student must demonstrate the surroundings and venue of the "exam" (table and so on).
5. The exam will be recorded on video.
6. The examination will be conducted orally. The distribution of tickets (situational tasks) will be performed using the "random number generator" https://randstuff.ru/number/
7. The demonstration of the ticket (situational task) will be displayed on the screen. The student is given 15 minutes to prepare for the answer. During the oral exam, any questions on the topic of a situational task will be asked. The answer must be clear.
8. If there is current debt, the student in the process of intermediate certification will be asked additional questions on topics (sections) of the discipline (module), which correspond to the omissions of studies and unsatisfactory results of the current performance monitoring.
9. For the use of educational and other materials, technical means of communication during the intermediate certification without the permission of the teacher, the student may be brought to disciplinary liability in the manner established by the Rules of the internal regulations of students.
10. In the case of “absence” of the student within 15 minutes, the exam is terminated.
11. If during the exam there was a technical malfunction and the entrance to the conference fails, then for further instructions you need to call: 287-80-72