Foreign students information

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Кафедра поликлинической терапии и общей врачебной практики.

27 December 2023
Dear students!
The final test (module) Reattempt for the autumn semester will be conducted on the following date, time and place.
Dates: 10.01.2024 - from 13:00, 11.01.2024 - from 13:00 AM, 12.01.2024 - from 10:00
Place: Assistentskya (Assistant’s office # 031 in polyclinic at R. Zorge str. 103)
Date: 10.01.2024 - from 12:00, 11.01.2024 - from 12:00 AM, 12.01.2024 - from 09:00
Place: Educational wing of the polyclinic # 21 (R. Zorge str. 99). 
The committee of examiners include the Head of the Department, Dr. A.V. Sineglazova and other faculty members. 
After this date, whatever marks you have on the final test will be reentered in the Rating system.
Best wishes!
Уважаемые студенты!
Прием текущей задолженности по модулю за осенний семестр состоится 10, 11 и 12 января 2024 г. согласно поименному списку (5 курс; 6 курс).
5 курс: 10 и 11 января с 13:00, 12 января с 10:00 по адресу г. Казань, ул. Р. Зорге, 109, кабинет 031;
6 курс: 10 и 11 января с 12:00, 12 января с 9:00 по адресу г. Казань, ул. Р. Зорге, 99, учебная комната.
Прием задолженностей проводится комиссией с заведующим кафедрой Синеглазовой А.В.

18 December 2023

Dear Students,

We ask you to familiarize yourself with the rules for passing assignments based on lectures!

You can rework a missed lecture on the Educational Portal in the lecture course by watching the lecture and solving tests for it.

Lectures can be reworked from December 27 to 29 (16:00-23:00). Then access for the rework will be closed. An additional attempt is given to rework. If you receive a test score of less than 70% (less than 7 points), the lecture is considered not reworked.

The results of tests on the portal will be viewed and noted in the lecture journal by the faculty member personally (there is no need to send screenshots).

You will be provided with a copy of the lecture journal for your review after assignments have been reworked and corresponding changes have been made.

Уважаемые студенты!

Просим Вас ознакомиться с правилами сдачи отработок по лекциям!

Отработать пропущенную лекцию Вы можете на Образовательном Портале в разделе лекционного курса, просмотрев лекцию и решив тесты к ней.

Лекции можно отработать с 27 по 29 декабря (16:00-23:00). Затем доступ для отработок будет закрыт. Для отработки предоставляется дополнительная попытка. В случае получения оценки за тесты менее менее 70% (менее 7 баллов) лекция считается неотработанной.

Результаты решения теста на портале будут просмотрены и отмечены в лекционном журнале лично преподавателем (скриншоты отправлять нет необходимости).

Вам будет предоставлена для ознакомления копия лекционного журнала после приема отработок и внесения изменений.

18 ноября 2023 г.

Notice regarding reworks (English-medium, Faculty of International Students)

The faculty members are accepting reworks for 5th year and 6th year missed classes/unsatisfactory grades on a regularly scheduled basis. Students are required to contact the faculty member directly in advance to book an appointment and visit the clinical center with second pair of shoes and white coats. 
Schedule: Monday-Saturday 16:00-17:30 (December 04 - 09)
Lecture reworks should be completed on the portal by watching the video lectures, downloading slidesets and solving the tests.
Additional information can be obtained from the Head of the department Dr. Sineglazova A.V.  and faculty member Dr. Parve S.D.

28 октября 2023 г.
The second additional intermediate attestion of students studying in the discipline "Primary Care" will be held on October 19, 2023 from 16.00 p.m., in-person at the following address: R. Zorge, 99 (Education wing). Examiners:  Head of the Department Sineglazova A.V., Associate professor Kim T.Y., Assistant Nurieva A.R.
The first additional intermediate attestion of students studying in the discipline "Clerkship - Assistant of a Primary Care Physician" will be held on October 19, 2023 from 16.00-23.00  p.m. You are required to take the test in the same format on Education Portal of KSMU (link).

28 сентября 2023 г.
The first additional intermediate attestion of students studying in the discipline "Clerkship - Assistant of a Primary Care Physician" will be held on September 30, 2023 from 16.00-23.00 p.m. You are required to take the test in the same format on Education Portal of KSMU (link)

28 апреля 2023 г.

Exams in Primary Care for final year medical students (Faculty of International Students, English medium) will be conducted during the examination session. The exam dates, time and place are given in the table below.

Exam Schedule

May 15, 2023

1619; 1626; 1628

From 08:00 AM

NUK-3, Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 16, 2023

1617; 1623; 1627

From 08:00 AM

Dobrovoltsy auditorium, Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 17, 2023

1618; 1621; 1622

From 08:00 AM

NUK-3, Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 18, 2023

1620; 1624; 1625

From 08:00 AM

Dobrovoltsy auditorium, Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 19, 2023


From 08:00 AM

УЛК-2, 3rd floor, Tolstoy str. 6/30

  • Exam pattern:
    • Exam will be conducted offline (in-class) in a single step. 

    • Each student will solve a clinical vignette consisting of nine (09) standard questions. (Sample case with model answer)

    • No of vignettes per student: 01

    • No. of attempts: Single

    • Time durations to solve the vignette and discussion: 30 minutes

  1. Faculty members conducting the exam: Singlazova AV, Sigitova ON, Kim TY, Nurieva AR, Asatullina ZR, Parve S.

  2. Exam topics

  3. Assessment & Final marks/rating: Evaluation will be done according to the Quality Management System.

    • The results of the intermediate certification (exam) in the discipline Polyclinic therapy indicate the degree of formation of individual competencies upon completion of its study. The degree of competency formation is expressed via assessment on a 100-point scale, where: 0-69 points - competencies are not formed, 70-79 points - competencies are partially formed, 80-89 points - competencies are formed in general, 90-100 points - competencies are fully formed

  4. Final Rating: An average of exam mark, classwork, intermediate tests, lectures, penalty on absences, reworks.


We wish you all the best for the exam.