Foreign students information

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Кафедра поликлинической терапии и общей врачебной практики.

31 декабря 2022 г.

Dear 5th and 6th year students! - The final test (Zachet) Reattempt will be conducted on the following date, time and place.

5th year:

Dates: 11.01.2023 - from 09:00 AM, 13.01.2023 - from 09:00 AM, 16.01.2023 - from 15:00, 20.01.2023 - from 16:00

Place: Educational wing of the polyclinic # 21 (R. Zorge str. 99). 

Pattern of the test: Question and Answers from variants.

6th year:

Date: 1.01.2023 - from 09:00 AM, 13.01.2023 - from 09:00 AM, 16.01.2023 - from 15:00, 20.01.2023 - from 16:00

Place: Educational wing of the polyclinic # 21 (R. Zorge str. 99). 

Pattern of the test: Clinical Task (Case Vignette) - Written as well as Discussion.

The committee of examiners include the Head of the Department, Dr. Sineglazova; Asso. Prof. Dr. Kim; Asst. Prof. Dr. Parve; and Dr. Nurieva. 
Extra Group (5th year module debt)
11.01.2023 - from 15:00
13.01.2023 - from 15:00
16.01.2023 - from 15:00
20.01.2023 - from 15:00
25.01.2023 - from 15:00
After this date, whatever marks you have on the final test will be reentered in the Rating system. 
Best Wishes!

11 октября 2022 г.

Информация о повторной аттестации 

Уважаемые студенты! Прием первой повторной промежуточной аттестации у русских и иностранных студентов, обучающихся на русском и английском языках, по дисциплинам «Поликлиническая терапия» и «Практика «Помощник врача АПУ»» состоится 18 октября и 20 октября 2022 г. с 16.00 ОЧНО по адресу ул. Р.Зорге, 99 (учебный блок). Форма приема задолженности соответствует форме модуля (или зачета), по которому получена данная  задолженность. Дополнительную информацию можно получить у заведующего кафедрой Синеглазовой А.В. и куратора направления иностранных студентов, асс. Парве С.

Notice regarding re-attestation (English-medium, Faculty of International Students)

The first additional intermediate attestion of students studying in the disciplines "Primary Care" and "Clerkship - Assistant of a Primary Care Physician" will be held on October 18 and October 20, 2022 from 16.00, in-person at the address following address: R. Zorge, 99 (Education wing). You are required to take the module (or test) in the same format that you previously attempted.  
Additional information can be obtained from the Head of the department Dr. Sineglazova A.V.  and faculty member Dr. Parve S.

19 сентября 2022 г.

Информация о повторной аттестации 

Уважаемые студенты! Прием первой повторной промежуточной аттестации у русских и иностранных студентов, обучающихся на русском и английском языках, по дисциплинам «Поликлиническая терапия» и «Практика «Помощник врача АПУ»» состоится 27 сентября и 29 сентября 2022 г. с 16.00 ОЧНО по адресу ул. Р.Зорге, 99 (учебный блок). Форма приема задолженности соответствует форме модуля (или зачета), по которому получена данная  задолженность. Дополнительную информацию можно получить у заведующего кафедрой Синеглазовой А.В. и куратора направления иностранных студентов, асс. Парве С.

Notice regarding re-attestation (English-medium, Faculty of International Students)

The first additional intermediate attestion of students studying in the disciplines "Primary Care" and "Clerkship - Assistant of a Primary Care Physician" will be held on September 27 and September 29, 2022 from 16.00, in-person at the address following address: R. Zorge, 99 (Education wing). You are required to take the module (or test) in the same format that you previously attempted.  
Additional information can be obtained from the Head of the department Dr. Sineglazova A.V.  and faculty member Dr. Parve S.

06 мая 2022 г.

Exams in Primary Care for final year medical students (Faculty of International Students, English medium) will be conducted during the examination session. The exam dates, time and place are given in the table below.

Exam Schedule

May 19, 2022

1618; 1619; 1629

From 11:00 AM

NUK-2 (Rector Khamitov Hall), Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 20, 2022

1625; 1630; 1626

From 09:30 AM

NUK-2 (Rector Khamitov Hall), Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 23, 2022


From 13:00 AM

NUK-2 (Rector Khamitov Hall), Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 27, 2022

1620; 1627; 1621

From 09:30 AM

NUK-2 (Rector Khamitov Hall), Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 30, 2022

1624; 1638; 1623

From 09:30 AM

NUK-2 (Rector Khamitov Hall), Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49


Reattempt 1

Students who failed

Time: 09:30

NUK-2 (Rector Khamitov Hall), Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49


Reattempt 2

Students who failed

Time: 09:30

NUK-2 (Rector Khamitov Hall), Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

  • Exam pattern:
    • Exam will be conducted offline (in-class) in a single step. 

    • Each student will solve a clinical vignette consisting of nine (09) standard questions. (Sample case with model answer)

    • No of vignettes per student: 01

    • No. of attempts: Single

    • Time durations to solve the vignette and discussion: 30 minutes

  1. Faculty members conducting the exam: Singlazova AV, Parve S, Nurieva AR.

  2. Exam topics

  3. Assessment & Final marks/rating: Evaluation will be done according to the Quality Management System.

    • The results of the intermediate certification (exam) in the discipline Polyclinic therapy indicate the degree of formation of individual competencies upon completion of its study. The degree of competency formation is expressed via assessment on a 100-point scale, where: 0-69 points - competencies are not formed, 70-79 points - competencies are partially formed, 80-89 points - competencies are formed in general, 90-100 points - competencies are fully formed

  4. Final Rating: An average of exam mark, classwork, intermediate tests, lectures, penalty on absences, reworks.

We wish you all the best for the exam.

20 апреля 2022 г.

Dear 5th and 6th year students! - The final test Reattempts (retakes) will be conducted on the following dates, time and place.

6th year students having debts on final test for the FALL semester (11th semester), the third and last attempt for the final test is scheduled on April 29, 2022. 
Time: Will be updated soon. Tentative 16:00 onwards
Place: Zorge 99 (Edu wing of Polyclinic)
Pattern: Zadacha (clinical vignette) 
Committee members: Dr. Sineglazova, Head of the Department; Dr. S. Parve: Dr. Kim; Dr. A. Nurieva; Dr. Faheem Malik. 
Grading will be according to the marking scheme approved at the department. See below:
6th year students having debts on final test for the SPRING semester (12th semester), the second and last attempt for the final test is scheduled on May 10, 2022. 
Time: Will be updated soon. 
Place: Will be updated soon.  
Pattern: Multiple choice questions (60).
5th year students having debts on final test for the spring semester (10th semester) can retake the final test (question and answers) on May 04 and 06, 2022.
Time: Will be updated soon. Tentative 16:00 onwards 
Place: Zorge 99 str. 
Pattern: Question and answers
Committee members: Dr. Sineglazova, Head of the Department; Dr. S. Parve; Dr. A. Nurieva; Dr. Faheem Malik.
Reinstated students, can retake the class tests as well as final test on May 04 and 06, 2022.
Time: 16:00 onwards 
Place: Zorge 99
Committee members: Dr. Sineglazova, Head of the Department; Dr. S. Parve; Dr. A. Nurieva; Dr. Faheem Malik.

31 марта 2022 г.

Dear 5th and 6th year students! - The final test (Zachet) Reattempt will be conducted on the following date, time and place.

6th year students having debts on final test for the fall semester (11th semester) and are yet to reattempt, can take the final test on April 06, 2022. 
Time: 16:00 onwards 
Place: Zorge 99 (Edu wing of Polyclinic)
Pattern: Zadacha (clinical vignette) 
Committee members: Dr. Sineglazova, Head of the Department; Dr. S. Parve; Dr. A. Nurieva; Dr. Faheem Malik. 
6th year students having debts on final test for the spring semester (12th semester) can retake the final test (MCQs) on April 07, 2022.
Time: 16:00 onwards 
Place: TBD
Committee members: Dr. Sineglazova, Head of the Department; Dr. S. Parve; Dr. A. Nurieva; Dr. Faheem Malik.
5th year students having debts on final test for the spring semester (10th semester) can retake the final test (question and answers) from April 07-08, 2022.
Time: 16:00 onwards 
Place: Zorge 99 str. 
Committee members: Dr. Sineglazova, Head of the Department; Dr. S. Parve; Dr. A. Nurieva; Dr. Faheem Malik.
Reinstated students, can retake the class tests as well as final test from April 06-08, 2022.
Time: 16:00 onwards 
Place: Zorge 99

20 декабря 2021 г.

Dear 5th and 6th year students! - The final test (Zachet) Reattempt will be conducted on the following date, time and place.5th year:


Date: Monday December 27, 2021.

Place: Educational wing of the polyclinic # 21 (R. Zorge str. 99). 

Time: 13:30 AM.

Pattern of the test: Questions and Answers according to variant.


6th year:

Date: Tuesday December 28, 2021.

Place: Educational wing of the polyclinic # 21 (R. Zorge str. 99). 

Time: 11:00 AM.

Pattern of the test: Situational Task (Case Vignette) - Written as well as Discussion.

The committee of examiners include the Head of the Department, Dr. Sineglazova; Asso. Prof. Dr. Kim; Asst. Prof. Dr. Parve; Dr. Fahim Malik and Dr. Nurieva. 
This is a last chance to clear your final test. After this date, whatever marks you have on the final test will be reentered in the Rating system. 
Best Wishes!

10 декабря 2021 г.

Dear students!

The fall semester will be ending soon. Little time is left for the reworks of missed classes.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules for the rework of practical classes. The logs/journals of class attendance in “Primary Care”, which are updated periodically are posted on the web page of our department. In case you have difficulties, please contact us.

Follow the below mentioned steps to rework the missed class(es) on educational portal  

  • Step 1: Enroll for the appropriate practicum course
  • Step 2: Go through the resources and understand them. 
  • Step 3: After you have familiarized yourself with the content, contact the teacher on WhatsApp. 
  • Step 4: Appear for the rework on the assigned day, topic, time and format. 
  • Step 5: Teacher informs about the outcome/result of the rework.
  • Resources for the practical course can be accessed throughout the year. 

If the class is not reworked by December 19 (groups that completed the course this semester, the missed class will be entered in the rating system as non-reworked.

Dr. Taisia Y Kim

Appropriate ABX Use








Dr. Swapnil Parve

URTI. COVID. Vaccines


Fever in a Returning Traveler




We wish you success!

05 октября 2021 г.

Информация о повторной аттестации по производственной практике  

Уважаемые студенты! Вторая повторная промежуточная аттестация по производственной практике «Помощник врача АПУ» состоится 23 октября 2021 г. С 16:00 до 20:00 на Образовательном портале Казанского ГМУ в соответствующем курсе ("Final Test - Reattempt 2 (October 2021)") в форме ответов на тестовый контроль. Состав комиссии по приему: зав кафедрой Синеглазова А.В., доцент Ким Т.Ю., ассистент Парве С.


Notice regarding re-attestation on clerkship in Primary Care (English-medium, Faculty of International Students)

The additional intermediate attestation on clerkship in Primary Care will be conducted on October 23, 2021 from 16:00 to 20:00 on the educational portal of Kazan State Medical University "Final Test - Reattempt 2 (October 2021)". 
A committee of faculty members will evaluate the students with academic debts in clerkship in primary care. The committee of examiners consist of Sineglazova AV (Head of Department), Kim TY, Parve S.

05 октября 2021 г.

Вниманию иностранных студентов! Информация о повторной аттестации по дисциплине «Поликлиническая терапия» 

Уважаемые студенты! Повторная промежуточная аттестация по дисциплине «Поликлиническая терапия» состоится 23 октября 2021 г. С 16:00 до 20:00 по адресу: Городская поликлиника № 21, г. Казань, ул. Р.Зорге,99 (учебный блок) Состав комиссии по приему: зав кафедрой Синеглазова А.В., доцент Ким Т.Ю., ассистент Парве С.


Notice regarding re-attestation in the discipline Primary Care (English-medium, Faculty of International Students

The additional intermediate attestation in Primary Care will be conducted on October 23, 2021 from 16:00 to 20:00 at the address: Polyclinic № 21, Kazan, st.  R. Zorge, 99 (educational block). 
A committee of faculty members will evaluate the students with academic debts in primary care. The committee of examiners consist of Sineglazova AV (Head of Department), Kim TY, Parve S.

01 сентября 2021 г.

Информация о повторной аттестации по производственной практике  

Уважаемые студенты! Вторая повторная промежуточная аттестация по производственной практике «Помощник врача АПУ» состоится 10 сентября 2021 г. С 16:00 до 20:00 на Образовательном портале Казанского ГМУ в соответствующем курсе ("Final Test - Reattempt 1 (September 2021)") в форме ответов на тестовый контроль. Состав комиссии по приему: зав кафедрой Синеглазова А.В., ассистент Парве С., ассистент Ким Т.Ю.

Notice regarding re-attestation on clerkship in Primary Care (English-medium, Faculty of International Students

The additional intermediate attestation on clerkship in Primary Care will be conducted on September 10, 2021 from 16:00 to 20:00 on the educational portal of Kazan State Medical University "Final Test - Reattempt 1 (September 2021)". 
A committee of faculty members will evaluate the students with academic debts in clerkship in primary care. The committee of examiners consist of Sineglazova AV (Head of Department), Parve S, Kim TY.

09 сентября 2021 г.

Вниманию иностранных студентов! Информация о повторной аттестации по дисциплине «Поликлиническая терапия»

Уважаемые студенты! Повторная промежуточная аттестация по дисциплине «Поликлиническая терапия» состоится 10 сентября 2021 г. С 16:00 до 20:00 по адресу: Городская поликлиника № 21, г. Казань, ул. Р.Зорге,99 (учебный блок) Состав комиссии по приему: зав кафедрой Синеглазова А.В., ассистент Парве С., ассистент Ким Т.Ю.   

Notice regarding re-attestation in the discipline Primary Care (English-medium, Faculty of International Students

The additional intermediate attestation in Primary Care will be conducted on September 10, 2021 from 16:00 to 20:00 at the address: Polyclinic № 21, Kazan, st.  R. Zorge, 99 (educational block). 
A committee of faculty members will evaluate the students with academic debts in primary care. The committee of examiners consist of Sineglazova AV (Head of Department), Parve S, Kim TY.

28 апреля 2021 г.

Notice regarding Final exam in Primary Care for 6th year medical students (English-medium, Faculty of International Students)

Exam Schedule

May 11, 2021

1618; 1622; 1623

From 09:30 AM

NUK-2, Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 12, 2021

1628; 1621; 1619

From 09:30 AM

NUK-2, Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 14, 2021

1624; 1627

From 09:30 AM

NUK-2, Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 17, 2021

1620; 1629

From 09:30 AM

NUK-2, Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 18, 2021

1626; 1630

From 09:30 AM

NUK-2, Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49

May 21, 2021


From 01:00 PM

NUK-2, Educational wing, Butlerov str. 49


Reattempt 1

Students who failed

From 01:00 PM

Educational wing, Richarda Zorge Str. 99


Reattempt 2

Students who failed

From 01:00 PM

Educational wing, Richarda Zorge Str. 99

We wish you all the best for the exam.

21 апреля 2021 г.

Final Test Reattempt Notice (6th year)

Department of Primary Care and General Practice will be organizing the retake (for spring semester debts) for final test on the below mentioned dates and time. Students who have completed the spring semester course and previously received unsatisfactory marks (<70%) are required to reattempt the final test.

April 22, 2021: From 10:00 AM to 12:00PM

April 23, 2021: From 10:00 AM to 12:00PM

Students are requested to come prepeared since this is going to be the last attempt. 

Best wishes!

Notice Regarding Exams in Primary Care 2020

Exam Schedule 2020 and link

Procedure to appeal the exam marks

Evaluation of Students During Exams

The logs/journals of class attendance/ratings in “Primary Care” can be checked at the following links: 

Acaedemic year 2020/2021: 5 course (class of 2022) 

Acaedemic year 2020/2021: 6 course (class of 2021)


The logs/journals of lecture attendance in “Primary Care” for the academic year 2020/2021:    5 course        6 course

08 февраля 2021 г.

Dear International Students,

Questions for class and final tests can be found at this link.

08 декабря 2020 г.

Dear International Students,
Please familiarize yourself with the information regarding rework of lectures/practical classes and final tests on this link.
1. Students willing to reattempt must join the WhatsApp group “Final Test Reattempt”
2. If you do not appear for the test at the end of your cycle, you forfeit your attempt
3. If you register for an attempt, but do not appear, you automatically forfeit the attempt
We wish you success!