Новости кафедры


Подписано простой электронной подписью: Кафедра фармакологии.


Kazan State Medical University has developed a program for organizing contact work in the electronic information and educational environment (EIOS), which will protect students and staff from the risks of the spread of coronavirus infection and at the same time maintain the quality of education.

In accordance with the order of the rector No. 777 of March 16, from Wednesday March 18, we continue classes according to the approved schedule, but without the need for the presence of students and teachers in university classrooms. You all have a username and password to access the educational portal, with which you can continue training from March 18, 2020 in accordance with your schedule.

We urge each student to be as responsive as possible to the situation and do everything in their power to fully master the educational program.

The administration brings to you the conditions for the implementation of the educational process in the EEOS:

  1. The educational process in the format of work in the EEOS is carried out strictly according to the schedule.
  2. The complexity of studying the disciplines will be saved: you will spend as much time studying the discipline as planned in the educational program, taking into account lectures, practical exercises and independent work.
  3. The student has the opportunity to work out a lecture (video - lecture, lecture presentation, lecture text, skype lecture, webinar, etc.) and answer questions (tests) on the day of the lecture according to the schedule.
  4. On each topic of a practical (seminar) student receives assignments that he performs using materials posted on the educational portal or in the electronic library.
  5. Students receive assignments for practical training in advance of class.
  6. For each discipline, a forum will be opened on the educational portal, chats can be organized on social networks, messengers (teachers will inform about this), where you can quickly discuss problems and questions with teachers and other students
  7. Students assign the completed task to the educational portal or, in agreement with the leading teacher, send the teachers an e-mail on the day of the lesson.
  8. The teacher completes the assessment (feedback) on the assignment no later than the next day after receiving work from students.
  9. Students must observe academic honesty, the textual coincidence of the answers (decisions) of several students leads to an unsatisfactory assessment for all).
  10. For completing tasks on each topic, the student receives grades involved in calculating the overall rating for the discipline.
  11. Interim certification in the summer of 2020 will be carried out as usual.
  12. The terms of the second re-certification will be postponed to a later period.

            Teachers wish you, dear students, every success!

March 18, 2020