Новости кафедры


Подписано простой электронной подписью: Кафедра пропедевтики детских болезней.


2020-21 гг.


The exam in the discipline "Pediatrics" for students of the 5th year of the International Faculty will be held on January 15, 2021 at 9.00 (Moscow time). The exam is conducted in an online format on the educational portal of KSMU (Pediatrics for students of international faculty: https://e.kazangmu.ru/course/view.php?id=1780).


Each student admitted to the exam, at the specified time, must go to the portal and start the exam in the form of answers to the questions posed (testing). From the general bank of questions on the discipline "Pediatrics", the student will be given 100 questions, for each of which you need to choose 1 answer option from the proposed ones.

Test execution time: 1.5 hours (90 min).

The rating of the discipline "Pediatrics" consists of an assessment for answers to exam questions (testing) and a rating of academic performance (attendance of practical classes and lectures, current marks of modules and final test control, assessment of current academic performance).

The rating of the discipline "Pediatrics" is expressed in an assessment on a 100-point scale, where 0-69 points - "unsatisfactory", 70-79 points - "satisfactory", 80-89 points - "good", 90-100 points - " excellent»


Students who have received an unsatisfactory grade will be able to pass the exam (testing) during the additional session (the date and time will be announced later).


Students who failed to pass the test control on 15.01.2021 for a good reason will be able to pass it on 22.01 at 9.00 Moscow time on similar conditions after presenting a supporting document.



(опубликовано 11.01.2021)