Stem cell bank
The Stem Cell Bank (SCB) of Kazan State Medical University is a structural subdivision of KSMU carrying out research in the field of regenerative medicine and commercial medical activities for personalized storage of cord blood stem cell concentrate.
Work on the creation of SCB began at Kazan State Medical University in November 2003. In 2005, the stem cell bank received a license to carry out medical activities for the collection, transportation and storage of umbilical cord blood cells.
Umbilical cord blood is a valuable biological material, the importance of which humanity has realized relatively recently. In 1988, the first successful therapy with cord blood stem cells of a 5-year-old child with Fanconi anemia was carried out. Later, numerous studies confirmed the effectiveness of cord blood stem cell transplantation in various forms of leukemia, lymphomas, hereditary blood fermentopathies, and a number of autoimmune diseases. The transplantation of umbilical cord blood components has become part of the medical standards for the treatment of these diseases. At the same time, there are many clinical studies examining the safety and effectiveness of the use of cord blood components. These diseases include: type I diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, stroke, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer's disease, spinal cord injury, etc. Upon successful completion of clinical trials, it is possible to expand the indications for the use of cord blood stem cells.
A significant disadvantage of umbilical cord blood is its small volume, which is approximately 80 ml. for full-term children. Umbilical cord blood can be collected during natural childbirth and during childbirth by caesarean section. It must be remembered that umbilical cord blood is taken from the placenta after the birth of the child and the cord is clamped, that is, its intake does not pose a danger to the child's health. The second disadvantage of umbilical cord blood is the time of sampling – these are only the first minutes after the birth of the child.
Today, residents of Kazan, RT and nearby regions of the Russian Federation have a unique opportunity to preserve cord blood stem cells. To do this, you need to contact the stem cell bank of KSMU.
Scientific Director - Professor, M.D., Ilshat Mustafin.
For more information:
Contacts of KSMU Stem Cell Bank
• Kazan, Pionerskaya str., 14; tel. (843) 273-68-39
• Stem Cell Bank office: Kazan, Mayakovsky str., 11. tel. (843) 236-59-77
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