Research results

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Седелков Дмитрий Владимирович.

For today, Kazan State Medical University has entered the strategic academic leadership program "Priority-2030", according to the results received the status of a candidate for participation in the program in 2022, the strategic project "Anti-aging: a flexible management system for science and innovation in the development of biomedical, clinical and socio-behavioral approaches to prolong quality of life" has been announced., health care and the fight against age-related human diseases", aimed at achieving the goal of the National Project "Healthcare" - increase in life expectancy by 2024 – up to 78 years (by 2030 – up to 80 years) to implement this project, the following subprojects have been formulated, which are filled with scientific research :
The subproject "Geriatrics and gerontology as a single scientific direction, the purpose of which is to combine scientific developments of fundamental, therapeutic, neurological, psychiatric schools, socio-epidemiological and behavioral sciences for the formation of comprehensive scientific knowledge in the field of anti-aging".
The subproject "Biosafety and reducing the vulnerability of society to bio-threats, the goal was to form a system of scientific developments in the field of creating a safe and comfortable environment for the population, including in the event of unfavorable epidemiological situations".
Subproject "Health care" as an innovative product the purpose of this project is to determine the methodology for creating and applying medical programs of individual health care, which are synthesized complexes of therapeutic and preventive measures that provide a predictable level of human health in the established time horizon.
As a result of the 2021-2022 academic year, 20 patents for inventions, 10 patents for utility models, 4 certificates for a computer program, 12 certificates for a database were obtained, 1 contract on alienation of the exclusive right (patent) for invention No. 2716013 "Method of manufacturing a means for cell-mediated gene therapy and a means for cell-mediated gene therapy with the N.F. Gamalei State Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology.

In 2021, 1 project is being implemented within the framework of the state task for the section "Science" for 2021-2023.

The created laboratory of integrative epidemiology on the basis of the Kazan State Medical University will be a great contribution not only to science and education, but also to the practical healthcare of the Russian Federation. Similar laboratory centers are organized in the UK, EU countries, USA and Canada (University of Bristol, Cambridge University, 0xford University, Johns Hopkins University, McGill University etc). The work of this laboratory will expand international cooperation with the world's leading universities; the possibility of combining genetics, statistics, data science; determination of genetic variants associated with the development of the disease (GWAS).

The project "Cell-mediated gene therapy in combination with electrostimulation for spinal cord injury" led by the head of the Department of Histology of KSMU Prof. R.R. Islamov entered the 100 best inventions of Russia for the 1st half of 2021. In the project "Successful Patent" of the Rospatent competition to identify the most breakthrough inventions that have received an economic effect by the end of 2021, the patent holder of the Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, and the author of the patent "Method of manufacturing a means for cell-mediated gene therapy and a means for cell-mediated gene therapy" (patent No. 2716013) Professor Islamov Rustem were awarded with diplomas of the winners of the finalists of the competition.

All 42 research and innovation projects implemented in 2021 meet the current international research agenda in priority areas of the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation, selected according to the results of the examination by the Kazan State Medical University and are carried out taking into account the levels of readiness of technology for use in practice.
14 research projects of the Kazan State Medical University supported by various foundations.
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