Work with foreigners
1. The department provide cycles for students of the 5th year of study of the medical faculty in the disciplines: anesthesiology and intensive therapy, disaster medicine
2. The department provide cycles for students of the 5th year of study of the stomatology faculty in the disciplines: anesthesiology and intensive therapy.
3. The department provide cycles for students of the 2th year of study of the medical faculty in the disciplines: life safety.
Classes for students in the discipline « anesthesiology and intensive therapy» are held at the clinical base of the City Clinical Hospital No. 7, in the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care No. 1. Training takes place both in the classroom and at the "sick bed", as well as practicing practical skills on a mannequin.
Link to the educational portal for 5 course in the discipline « anesthesiology and intensive therapy»
Explanation: 1 - means that student missed one classes, 1 (6) means that student have got mark 6 at one classes, and mark must be reworked
Group 1618 |
Practical classes |
Final test |
1. |
Аннадура и Виджаяшантхи |
2. |
Арумугам Синтия |
3. |
Гнана Дас Гено |
4. |
Клу Коллинс Дела |
5. |
Кумар Нанта Балан |
6. |
Кунене Симфиве Нондудузо |
1 (6) |
7. |
Мамиллапалле Вайшнави |
8. |
Мохамед Юсуф Мохамед Фазил |
9 |
Пачхамутху Викраман |
10. |
Сараваннан Моника |
11. |
Сиед Наим Шах |
12. |
Соундарараджан Срути |
1 (6) |
13 |
Хернандез Мануел Найша Йорхес |
Group 1619 |
Practical classes |
Final test |
1. |
Ашок Давидсон Аджай Давидсон |
1, 1 (6) |
2. |
Венкатеш Кумар Джея Пракаш |
1, 2 (6) |
3. |
Гунасилан Субатхра |
3 (6) |
4. |
Джайабал Нандхакумар |
1, 1(6) |
№1 |
5. |
Паулрадж Джагадееш |
2 (6) |
6. |
Равинатхан Дхануша |
1 |
7. |
Раджендран Гопи Кришна |
8. |
Ранганадхан Дивйа |
2 (6) |
9. |
Сантхавалиан Ранджит Кумар |
1, 2 (6) |
10. |
Сринивасан Рагхул |
1, 1 (6) |
№1 |
11. |
Таралипойина Картхигеян Вибоошитха |
№1 |
12. |
Харидосс Джанани Баи |
1 (6) |
13 |
Ашок Кумар Чанчел |
1 (6) |
Group 1620 |
Practical classes |
Final test |
1. |
Аййасами Раджарам Харша Вартини |
1 |
2. |
Анкур |
5 |
№1 |
3 |
Вел Меруган Вивек |
2 |
4. |
Виджаякумар Дивйа Пракаш |
5. |
Ганесан Карнан |
2 (6) |
№1 |
6. |
Джатва Абхишек |
5 |
№1,2 |
7. |
Куппусами Гокул |
1 |
№1 |
8. |
Муругесан Правин Баладжи |
2 |
№1 |
9 |
Пукх Радж |
2 |
№1 |
10. |
Селвам Харихаран |
3, 1 (6) |
№1 |
11. |
Сингх Раджат Кумар |
№1 |
12. |
Суран Викрант |
№1 |
Group 1621 |
Practical classes |
Final test |
1. |
Бахаруддин Фатмадиниастути |
2. |
Гуггилапу Лохит Кумар |
3. |
Дас Анмол Гйан |
1 |
№1,2 |
4. |
Дас Пратибха |
1 |
№1,2 |
5. |
Лакшманан Бхарадхидасан |
2 |
№1 |
6. |
Муруган ВазантхКумар |
№1 |
7. |
Праманик Судешна |
№1 |
8. |
Рамеш Раджеш |
1 |
№1 |
9. |
Сангили Муруган Мутху Суреш |
2 |
№1 |
10. |
Сандживи Арункумар |
1 |
№1 |
11. |
Сатхаппади Сивакумар Прабудева |
№1 |
12. |
Селвакумар Прем |
№1 |
13. |
Ясмин Аршийа |
Group 1622 |
Practical classes |
Final test |
1. |
Аййанкалай Атисоундаарйа |
№1 |
2. |
Антуван Гаятришивани |
№1 |
3. |
Баламуруган Сантош Кумар |
4. |
Бхаскаран Картхик Рааджа |
1 |
5. |
Венткатачалам Камали |
6. |
Венкатесваран Рачел |
№2 |
7. |
Говиндан Картхикраджа |
8. |
Кришнан Радха |
№1 |
9. |
Манохаран Араси |
10. |
Недунчезийан Амбика |
№1 |
11. |
Прабагаран Бхавадхарани |
12. |
Субраманиам Картхикеян |
1. The department provide cycles for students of the 6th year of study of the medical faculty in the disciplines: anesthesiology and intensive therapy, catastrophes medicine
2. The internships exchange are provided for students in the framework of the Global Health program. In the 2017/2018 school year internships were held by Ross University students Lindsay Mckee and Britney Edwards. The preceptor of the internship are an assistant, Ph.D. Davydova V.R., assistant Ph.D. Vdovin V.A. The internship is held at the clinical base of the faculty, at the department of anesthesiology and intensive care of the city hospital №7.
3. Within the Residency program of the "Internal Diseases" provide the cycle "Intensive Therapy". The cycle takes 1 month at the clinical base of the faculty, in the department of anesthesiology and intensive care at the city hospital №7. During this cycle, foreign residents in accordance with the curriculum absorb the basic practical skills (intubation of the trachea, central venous catheterization, etc.), and also take a direct part in the treatment process (prescribe treatment, conduct medical documentation, take part in medical rounds, etc.). Teaching is conducted in the language of the mediator (English). Responsible preceptor of the cycle is assistant, Ph.D. Davydova V.R.