Things to remember

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Седелков Дмитрий Владимирович.

Other useful things to bring and to remember:

  1. Warm clothing. Bring at least one warm coat, jumper or cardigan and a jacket. Students from hot climates may find it difficult to find this clothing at home. That is why take some money to buy warm cloth in Russia.
  2. Mementos and things from home that are special to you can help you adjust to your new home.
  3. Favorite books or music.
  4. Laptop computers, tablets, cameras and other valuables should be carried in your hand luggage and not checked in.
  5. Your carry-on/hand luggage should include enough personal articles to last for your first night in Russia. This is just in case your luggage is delayed or lost.
  6. Make sure your luggage is clearly labeled in English or in Russian.
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