Clinical Training

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Седелков Дмитрий Владимирович.

Clinical training is performed at 54 units of the Ministry of Health of the Republic Tatarstan.

There are 33 general hospitals, outpatients departments, 21 polyclinics, maternity hospitals, dental polyclinics, etc. The total number of beds is around 9000. There are approximately 4500 therapeutic, 2120 — pediatric, 1500 — surgical and 440 — gynecological beds. The main hub of clinical training is the Republican Clinical Hospital. Other centers for clinical training include, Hospital of emergency care, City hospital No. 18 and Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center.

KSMU dental polyclinic has 98 dental chairs. Republican and 8 city centers of public healthcare with the specialized departments and laboratories are used for teaching and training the students of prophylactic medicine faculty. Pharmaceutical faculty uses for training its students 65 pharmacies with the laboratories in Republic Tatarstan, 18 pharmacies in Chuvashia and some commercial pharmaceutical units.

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