Standardized Patient
The Center for Practical Skills - is the newest department of the Kazan State Medical University, founded in 2002. The Center for Practical Skills conducts pre-clinical training of students and organizes training for residents and interns of KSMU.The center is headed by Professor Sergey Bulatov (photo on left).
The Center is equipped with simulators, manikins and training devices especially designed for qualitative mastering of therapeutic and diagnostic procedures.
The «Standardized Patient» method is widely used to train senior students, where the role of patient is played by a specially trained actor. Beginning in the first year of medical school, these standardized patients teach students to perform a complete physical examination, take a medical history and effectively communicate with an extensive and diverse population. For young professionals participating in the programs of postgraduate education special seminars are conducted based on modern high-technological teaching methods: «Providing emergency medical assistance in an emergent situation» and «Endoscopic methods of examination and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract».
This educational program received an inventor’s certificate and a patent of the Russian Federation on «A method of professional training of students» in 2007.
The Center for Practical Skills in collaboration with Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and University of Vermont College of Medicine conducts training for medical students, interns and residents according to the healthcare standards required for Clinical Skills in USMLE. Annual exams are held and upon successful completion, candidates are awarded with certificates, signed by the Rectors of American medical school and Kazan State Medical University.
Take a quick look of Center for practical skills.