for foreign students of First Course!
Propedeutic Practice on Pharmaceutical Technology will be from 15.01.2024 till 27.01.2024. Students need to be at 15.01.2024 at 12.00 in Amirkhana, 16, room 409.
Идентификатор конференции: 243 030 3098
Код доступа: 8sxPnP
25.01.2022 - Татьянин День - День Российского студенчества!!!
for foreign students of First Course!
Propedeutic Practice on Pharmaceutical Technology will be from 24.01.2022 till 05.02.2022. Students need to be at 24.01.2022 at 9.00 in Amirkhana, 16, room 409. It concern also for students
Абделмагид Ахмед Моэмен Ради 5104и
Ахмед Алаа Мохамед Заки Мохамед Сайед 5106и
Мохамед Омар Хессан Махмуд Хессан 5106и
Али Хамди Махмуд Мохамид 5107и
Бастави Юссеф Бастави Ахмед 5107и
С 23.11.2021 по 26.11.2021 студенты - победители олимпиады по фармацевтической технологии Гильманова Н., Фёдорова Е, Хазиева Д., Филиппова М посетили выставку материалов и оборудования для фармацевтического производства Pharmtech&Ingredients
10.06.2021 состоялась олимпиада по фармацевтической технологии. Поздравляем победителей!!!
1 место – Гильманова Н.И. 5403
2 место – Фёдорова Е.С. 5401
3 место – Хазиева Д.В. 5401, Филиппова М.В. 5401
ОЛИМПИАДА по фармацевтической технологии "Технология готовых лекарственных средств" состоится 10.06.2021 в 14.00 в аудитории 416 по адресу Ф.Амирхана, 16. Желательно иметь калькулятор (пользование мобильным телефоном запрещено).
РАСПИСАНИЕ ЭКЗАМЕНА по фармацевтической технологии для студентов, обучающихся по индивидуальному плану
Экзамен состоится 22.01.2021 в 9.00 в аудитории 416 по адресу Амирхана, 16
для студентов 1 курса Института фармации!!!
Начало фармацевтической пропедевтической практики - 18.01.2021.
Все студенты 1 курса должны придти на 4 этаж фармацевтического корпуса в 9.00. При себе иметь медицинскую книжку, халат, шапочку, вторую обувь, тетрадь для дневника по практике!!!
Propedeutic Practice on Pharmaceutical Technology will be from 25.01.2021 to 05.02.2021. You neeed to come to room N 409 at Amirkhana 16 at 9.00 25.01.2021
EXAM on Pharmaceutical Technology will be on educational Portal on 17/06/2020 at 12.00 in Test form
In accordance with the order of the rector, intermediate certification (exam) of pharmaceutical technology is carried out in a distant format.
The examination on pharmaceutical technology in the section "Production of drugs in pharmacy conditions" is held in the sixth semester.
When conducting an exam on the Zoom platform, the teacher identifies each student with a passport or a record book. If there is a failure in the technical means of communication, and it cannot be eliminated within 15 minutes, then no further exam is held on that day. The teacher establishes the student’s non-appearance and the exam is postponed for good reason to another day. The teacher establishes the presence of students at the videoconference, then consults on the procedure for passing the exam. The student must get in touch with the teacher 15 minutes before the exam, must give his name, name, patronymic, demonstrates next to the person in expanded form a record book or passport, as well as a desktop, blank sheets of paper for writing, the room in which it is located by moving the video camera of a computer / laptop / other device around the perimeter of the room (if possible).
The maximum mark for the exam is 100 points, The theoretical stage is carried out in writing by the entire course at the same time.
You should have a calculator, a pen on your exam, (using the Internet for answers is forbidden, you need to remember about academic honesty). On the exam it is allowed to use reference materials on pharmaceutical technology, also provided on the educational portal
The rating for the discipline is set taking into account current performance, final testing and examination assessment:
Poor - less than 70 points
Satisfactory - 70-79 points
Good - 80-89 points
Excellent - 90 and more