Rector's meeting with TaMSA-Tatarstan

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On September 12, 2023, Alexey Sozinov, Rector of Kazan State Medical University met with the team of Tatarstan Medical Students Association (TaMSA).

The meeting was attended by TaMSA President Aliya Abyzova, professional exchanges officer Yegor Lunkov, scientific exchanges officer Sofia Kalinina, officer of Reproductive Health Committee Diana Asmanova, officer of Public Health Committee Anastasia Tyuleneva, professional exchanges officer for outgoing students Kamilya Yermakova, Interim Head of the Office of International Affairs Dina Valeeva.

The participants of the meeting discussed the results of IFMSA General Assembly August Meeting, which was held in Delhi (India), the results of the 2023 international internship season and TaMSA work plan for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Recall that Tatarstan Medical Students Association (TaMSA) has been operating at Kazan State Medical University since 1995 and is an associate member of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations - the largest student organization in the world, recognized by the United Nations and the World Health Organization as an official forum of medical students.

TaMSA organizes international student exchanges and implements projects for the protection of health. Thanks to its work, annually about 50 students of KSMU undergo internships at leading foreign clinics and universities, while students from foreign medical schools have the opportunity to gain unique clinical and scientific experience on the basis of KSMU and leading clinics in Kazan.

At the end of September, another competition will be announced for internships abroad among students of KSMU under the auspices of TaMSA. More detailed information regarding the contest will be available on the KSMU website.

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