Scholarship from Government of RT "Algarysh"

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Седелков Дмитрий Владимирович.

Algarysh is a grant program of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan. It finances the training, continuing education and internships of faculty, researchers and students (Russian citizens) in Russian and international educational and scientific organizations. The grant also funds the implementation of academic programs/courses led by prominent  Russian or international lecturers, researchers and practitioners.
General provisions:
• The grant of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan "Algarysh" finances the training, continuing education and internships of faculty, researchers and students (Russian citizens) in Russian and international educational and scientific organizations
• It is awarded annually by the Republican Algarysh Grant Commission
• The purpose of the grant is to strengthen state support aimed at developing human resources, personnel continuing education, attracting Russian and foreign lecturers, researchers and practitioners, as well as supporting and stimulating the professional development of faculty.
What does the Algarysh grant cover?
- Tuition to study in master's degree programs in Russian or international educational organizations for a period of no more than two years;
- Internship expences. Internship can take place at Russian or foreign educational and scientific organizations for the period from 2 weeks to 3 months;
- Development and implementation of new educational programs in Tatarstan universities (at least 4 months)
Categories of applicants:
Students and University faculty can apply for an Algarysh grant in one of the following categories:
Young scientists (up to 35 years old; undergraduates, postgraduates, researchers)
Young professionals (up to 35 years old, graduate students, graduates)
Faculty and researchers (academic degree, experience of at least 3 years)
Educational organizations of higher education (availability of accreditation, duration of a new academic program has to be at least 4 months)
Employees of educational organizations (for employees of general education organizations, professional educational organizations, organizations of additional education, organizations of additional professional education)
Double diplomas (undergraduates studying in double degree programs)
Project groups (young scientists, faculty and researchers)
The grant covers tuition, stipend (to pay for accommodation, meals, educational literature) and travel expences.
Application procedure:
The deadline for submitting an application is December 20 of each year. The documents must be submitted to the Office of International Affairs of KSMU.
Submission of application documents consists of two stages:
Online submission via the portal: 
- Submission of the application documents to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan by February 1.
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All right reserved © 2015 Kazan State Medical University, Development by Sedelkov Dmitriy, The text is provided by Parve Swapnil
