Open lectures of Dr. Asad Kutup (Germany)

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On February 13, 2024, at 11:00, Kazan State Medical University will hold two open lectures on abdominal surgery by the Chief Physician of the General and Visceral Surgery Department of the Asklepios Nord-Heidberg Medical Center, Honorary Professor of Kazan State Medical University, Dr. Asad Kutup (Germany).

Topics of the lectures: “Pancreatic cystadenoma” and “Treatment of pancreatic injury”.

At the end of lectures, participants who successfully completed the educational course will receive certificates. Also, Dr. Kutup will choose two best participants of the course, who will have the opportunity to undergo an internship at the Asklepios Nord-Heidberg Medical Center under the guidance of Dr. Kutup.

Venue of the lectures: lecture hall “Volunteers”, 1st floor, Educational and Laboratory building (entrance from Kurashov Str.), 49 Butlerov Str.

Visit of the Consulate General of Turkmenistan delegation

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On February 8, 2024, the delegation of the Consulate General of Turkmenistan in Kazan, consisting of Consul General Guicha Garayev and Second Secretary Ashirali Nazarov visited Kazan State Medical University.

Rector of Kazan State Medical University Aleksey Sozinov met with the delegation. The meeting was also attended by First Vice-Rector Laysan Mukharyamova, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Students Elena Koshpaeva and Head of the Office of International Affairs Tatiana Korobovtseva.

The parties discussed the prospects of development of scientific and educational cooperation, cooperation in the field of medical science and health care.

The delegation also met with KSMU students from Turkmenistan. The meeting has passed in a friendly and warm atmosphere.

International educational module “Interesting in Cardiology”. Part 3

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On December 22, 2023, the international educational module “Interesting in Cardiology”, conducted by Kazan State Medical University within the framework of the international scientific and educational consortium, completes its work.

On December 20, the academic staff and residents of Semey Medical University - Chair of the Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Department of Pavlodar branch Guzyal Abilmaginova, Chair of the Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Department named after B.S. Bulanov Merey Imanbayev, residentsof 3-4 year of study Bakytzhan Danabekov, Dias Amanzholov and residentsof 2 year of study of Karaganda Medical University - Jamshid Narimanov and Yernur Altybaev, who underwent the internship at 4 departments of KSMU during two weeks (Interregional clinical diagnostic center, City Clinical Hospital No. 7 named after M.N. Sadykov and Children's Republican Clinical Hospital) had a meeting with Aleksey Sozinov, Rector of Kazan State Medical University.

During the meeting, a solemn presentation of certificates of successful completion of the internship was held, also all participants shared their impressions about their work at the departments, about Kazan State Medical University and Kazan.

Lecture of Chair of the Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Department of Semey Medical University

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On December 14, 2023, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Chair of the Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Department of Pavlodar branch of Semey Medical University Guzyal Abilmaginova held a lecture on the topic “Anderson - Fabry disease” for residents of the Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases Department named after Professor S.S. Zimnitsky of Kazan State Medical University.

Also, Guzyal Duisenbekovna took part in the meeting of the Scientific Society of Physicians of the Republic of Tatarstan (regional branch of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine “Innovation in the physicians’ hands”), which was held within the 155th anniversary of the Kazan Society of Physicians at the National Library of RT.

Recall that the academic staff and residents of Semey Medical University and Karaganda Medical University (Kazakhstan) undergo an internship at the Kazan State Medical University from December 9 to December 23 within the framework of the international scientific and educational consortium.

Visit of Jizzakh region delegation (Uzbekistan)

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On December 13, 2023, the delegation of Jizzakh region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, headed by the Сhief of the Jizzakh Regional Health Department Ozoda Makhmudova, visited Kazan State Medical University.

As part of the visit, the delegation visited Pharmacy Institute, where members of the delegation had a meeting with Vice-Rector of KSMU Sergey Osipov and Director of the Medical and Pharmaceutical College of KSMU Nail Musin.

Director of the Pharmacy Institute of KSMU Ruslan Mustafin and Dean of the Dentistry Faculty of KSMU Rinat Saleev conducted a tour fot the guests, told about training laboratories and training simulation equipment, about the activities of scientific and research laboratories.

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