Rector’s meeting with Vice-President of the International Society of Urology, Professor Jean de la Rosette
On September 15, 2023, Alexey Sozinov, Rector of Kazan State Medical University met with Vice-President of the International Society of Urology, Professor in Urology at Istanbul Medipol University (Turkey) Jean de la Rosette.
The meeting was also attended by Interim Head of the Office of International Affairs of KSMU Dina Valeeva and Associate Professor of the Department of Urology of Bashkir State Medical University Linat Kutliyarov.
Dr. de la Rosette visited Kazan State Medical University as a part of his visit to Kazan for participation in the annual Congress of the Russian Society of Urology, which was held from 14-16 September.
The participants of the meeting discussed issues connected with development of cooperation in the field of health care, medical education and science.