Agreement on cooperation between Kazan State Medical University and Mayavilai (China)

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On December 12, 2023, the delegation of Mayavilai company (Beijing, China) consisting of CEO Dai Lu, Executive Director Van Nan, Deputy Director Se Weixing, Head of the International Relations Department U Xiaojen and company representative in Kazan Hao Chaoyang visited Kazan State Medical University.

Members of the delegation had a meeting with Rector of KSMU Aleksey Sozinov, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Students Elena Koshpaeva, Dean of the Department of Higher Nursing Education Olga Morozova, Head of the Office of International Affairs Tatiana Korobovtseva.

Following the meeting, the parties signed an Agreement on cooperation between Kazan State Medical University and Mayavilai company.

In October 2023, company representatives have already visited our university to discuss the prospects of international cooperation.

Parties expressed confidence that the agreements reached will give new impetus and development to bilateral relations.

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