Lecture of Chair of the Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Department of Semey Medical University
On December 14, 2023, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Chair of the Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Department of Pavlodar branch of Semey Medical University Guzyal Abilmaginova held a lecture on the topic “Anderson - Fabry disease” for residents of the Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases Department named after Professor S.S. Zimnitsky of Kazan State Medical University.
Also, Guzyal Duisenbekovna took part in the meeting of the Scientific Society of Physicians of the Republic of Tatarstan (regional branch of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine “Innovation in the physicians’ hands”), which was held within the 155th anniversary of the Kazan Society of Physicians at the National Library of RT.
Recall that the academic staff and residents of Semey Medical University and Karaganda Medical University (Kazakhstan) undergo an internship at the Kazan State Medical University from December 9 to December 23 within the framework of the international scientific and educational consortium.