Meeting of KSMU Rector with Consulate General of Iran in Kazan
On the 31st of March, 2017 rector’s meeting with the delegation of Consulate General of Iran in Kazan took place in KSMU. Delegation included Acting Head of the Consulate General of Iran in Kazan, Alibeman Eghbali Zarch and Consul for economic affairs of the Consulate General of Iran in Kazan, Malekoddin Shafagat, interpreter Ehsan Shariatmadari. KSMU was represented by vice-rector on scientific affairs and innovations I.G.Mustafin, dean of foreign students’ faculty E.S.Koshpaeva, head of the office of international affairs M.A. Mukhamedyarov and specialist of office of international affairs I.A.Nazarova. Following the informative presentation of rector A.S.Sozinov about outstanding past and intensive present of KSMU, Consul General told about actual state of healthcare and level of medical education in Iran. Participants of meeting discussed opportunities of cooperation broadening in educational and scientific spheres, moreover the list of priority directions of development were also provided. Mr. Alibeman Eghbali Zarch exchanged memorable presents with rector and then met with students of KSMU – citizens of Iran.