Frequently asked questions

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Седелков Дмитрий Владимирович.

Who should consider residency programs at KSMU?

KSMU Residencies are unique opportunities for those non-traditional medical graduates in the US or Canada and IMGs (international medical graduates) who passed (or about to pass) qualification examinations in the US (USMLE) or Canada (MCCQE) but were not able to secure a place in residency within North America, or those who want to train in different cultural settings.

Which route applies to KSMU residents for postgraduate medical education training assessment by RCPSC after my graduation from the program at KSMU?

The Traditional route is applicable to residents in international residency programs accredited by the Royal College. For KSMU’s English-language Internal Medicine residency program, credit for training towards access to the Royal College certification exam is retroactive to September 2017. 

What is the path for KSMU residents in the Internal Medicine program to become eligible to write the Royal College’s certification exam and, eventually, practice in Canada?

The English-language Internal Medicine program at KSMU in Russia is accredited by the Royal College. Residents who complete all training in the program may be eligible to write the Royal College certification exam in Internal Medicine (held in Ottawa, Canada). Additional information regarding Royal College certification examinations and examination schedules are published on the website:

Are Russian Citizens considered for the program?

No. Currently our policies prevent us from accepting applications from the citizens of Russian Federation.

Do I need to know Russian language in order to be considered for residency training at KSMU?

Yes. You need to reach the First Certification Level (TORFL-I/B1).

Successful performance in the First Level Certificate indicates an intermediate level of competence, which enables a candidate to satisfy his main communicative needs in everyday, cultural, educational and professional spheres in line with the State Standard of Competence in Russian as a Foreign Language. In addition, the First Level Certificate allows its holder to enroll in a Russian university.

Majority of our patients do not speak English. However we would consider you for residency spot if you apply for Observership program and commit to intense Russian language and Russian medical language training for a period of few months (2, 4 or 6) here in Kazan alongside our current residents and pass residency entrance Russian language test. Please check Observership for more information.

What happens after I submit the documents?

Our Admissions Commission will study your application package and those selected will be invited for in-person or Skype interview.

How do I know that my Letters of References have been received?

Programs Coordinator will inform you if some of the Letters of Reference are missing.

What to expect on my residency Interview?

The interview is to clarify some of the items on your application documents and assess if you are a good fit for the program. Our Admission Commission would be able to answer any questions you may have, too. If you are scheduled for a Skype interview please make sure you have a reliable Internet connection. It is going to be a video interview.

Do I need to take qualification examinations to be eligible for a residency position?

Those candidates who already passed or about to pass medial qualification examinations in Canada (MCCQE) or the US (USMLE) will be primarily considered for the residency positions. 

How do I know I am selected for the Program?

You will receive the Admissions Letter via email. Please check your email often after your interview.

What happens after?

Our programs can start twice a year, depending on the admission of residents.That means you have to rush wrapping up with your commitments and applying for Russian Visa if needed, based on your citizenship (please verify) at the Russian Embassy or Consulate in your country or current place of residence. Those accepted to the program will receive the Admission letter and other supportive documents for your Russian Student visa application. It  takes about 4 weeks to 3 months to obtain Russian visa.

Any other documents I need to bring with me to Russia?

Yes. According to current Federal regulation on Foreign Nationals attending higher educational institutions in Russia, you will need upon arrival to present to the Administrative Residency office here in Kazan a recent (within one month) medical test results stating you are HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Tuberculosis - all negative.

Is there any temporary housing upon arrival to Kazan?

Yes. You will be met at the airport and placed at one of the hostels or hotels near Bauman street, where you can walk, familiarize yourself with the city and try our excellent tatar food.

What are the housing options?

All our current residents rent the apartments thought the city. We will be able to connect you with one or two current residents and provide with a real estate agent's contact information to help with housing search. We recommend you looking for a place near one of the hospitals that participate in our program.

How much is the residency training fee?

Unlike residency programs in North America, our program at Kazan State Medical University is an educational institution-based not a hospital-based. While our resident’s train at a number of participating hospitals building CanMEDS capabilities they are not employed by those hospitals. Thus the program has to be self-sufficient to sustain. You can find current residency training fee here.

Am I required to pay for the Observership?

No. You will pay only for courses in Russian. All other administrative fees will apply, too. We highly recommend you take Russian medical courses at KSMU, study along our medical student and visit their lectures in Russian. Current fee can be verified with out Programs coordinator. We additionally highly encourage you to sign up for intense Russian language course at your own preference from a local language school to ensure you are well prepared to start with residency training the soonest. For more information, please check Observership.

How can I transfer the funds to KSMU for cover my fees?

Those admitted to the program will be provided with bank requisites for transferring the funds. You would be able to make a transfer from your own bank (in dollars) or pay when you arrive to Kazan, open a new account at a local bank and make a transfer in local currency (russian rubles).

Am I able to make two transfers, 50% of my payment in June and the other 50% in December?

This information will be provided here soon.

What are the costs of living in Kazan?

You will be pleasantly surprised with the costs of living in Kazan, a modern city that meets the needs and offers many wants for a fraction of what you would pay in North America. Please check LIFE IN KAZAN for more information.

What are the benefits?

  • Vacation – 4 weeks per year
  • White coat
  • Health insurance policy
  • Malpractice Insurance
  • Access to wellness facility
  • Access to UWorld Qbank
  • Access to educational resources, MKSAP
  • Access to UpToDate
  • Internet Access is paid by the program
  • Paid Conference participation for a presenter up to 1000 USD per year, for participation up to 500 USD per year
  • Access to the university library services, including online journals, databases and medical informatics services