Dear graduates of medical schools and medical universities!
Kazan State Medical University announces admission to a unique English-language 4-year postgraduate training program in Internal Medicine. The program combines the Russian state educational standards of residency training and Canadian residency program requirements, allowing you to create an individual training plan. The training is conducted by leading educators of KSMU – chief specialists, opinion leaders, and Russian and international medical community members. Training in the program is carried out in the largest clinics of the Republic of Tatarstan, with the participation of experienced clinical faculties.
Features of training according to individual plans:
- bilingual program:training in English and Russian using the most up-to-date textbooks, clinical recommendations, congress materials based on the principles of evidence-based medicine and interaction with patients in the clinic;
- practical training in the "ward team";
- training according to Russian standards compared to international programs that allow you to acquire competencies taking foreign practices and standards into account.
An individual training program will allow graduates to obtain documents:
• diploma of the Kazan State Medical University of the state sample on completion of residency in the specialty "Internal Medicine" with a standard training period of 2 years;
• diploma of the Kazan State Medical University of the state sample on completion of residency in the second specialty of choice (for example, anesthesiology-resuscitation, gastroenterology, cardiology, pulmonology, rheumatology, endocrinology) with a standard training period of 2 years;
• certificate of the Kazan State Medical University on training in a 4-year program, with an appendix of the curriculum that meets the requirements of the Royal Canadian College for the Internal Medicine residency program (
Obtaining such a set of documents on education and qualifications will allow you to confirm the validity of the training program and acquired competencies in the Russian Federation and most countries of the world.
Requirements for applicants:
- Diploma of higher medical education recognized in the Russian Federation (nostrification);
- advanced level (C1) of the Russian language, acceptable for communication with patients and medical staff, advanced threshold level (B1-Upper Intermediate) of English language skills for training.
The decision on admission to the program is made by the commission based on a motivation letter and an interview, taking into account educational and scientific achievements, publications, and the level of profound science in Russian and English.
More information about the admission: