Participating sites
City Hospital #7 of Kazan is one of the largest medical facilities in the Republic of Tatarstan, while built in 1957, it got fully renovated and expended to 1070-beds facility in 2013. Today, it is modern, well-equipped with advanced diagnostic/treatment technology and stuffed with highly qualified specialists in all areas of medicine and surgery.
City Hospital #7 is the hospital that allows performing the entire spectrum of patient-centered diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, ensuring quality, continuity, consistency and effectiveness of medical care. It serves about 500,000 of people of Kazan and it’s surrounding areas.
The hospital has 10 surgical departments (general surgery, trauma, neurosurgery, obstetrics and gynecology), 9 medicine departments (neurology, cardiology, rheumatology, endocrinology, toxicology, 2 general internal medicine departments, gastroenterology and nephrology wards), 4 intensive care units (General ICU, Stroke Center, Cardiac ICU, Medical ICU), and 10 operation theaters. The hospital provides care services to a wide range of adult population with different demographic characteristics and complex medical conditions.
Annually at the City Hospital #7 there are more than 100,000 emergency room visits, around 60,000 hospital admissions and 22,000 surgical operations.
General internal medicine CTU is located in an 80-bedsward of the city hospital #7 where residents have a chance to be exposed to and manage patients with multiple chronic medical conditions such as poorly controlled arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, chronic heart failure, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, COPD, anemia, CKD, liver diseases, etc.
Surgical ICU is an 18-beds ICU for patients with trauma, neurosurgical, and maxillofacial, gynecological, general and vascular surgical procedures.
The department has a hemodialysis room, which allows performing extracorporeal hemocorrection procedures for patients in severe or critical conditions, and patients admitted to toxicology center with poisoning.
Medical ICUis a 12-beds department for patients with critical medical conditions, in particular those with decompensated CHF, arrhythmias, hepatic encephalopathy, cirrhosis, DKA and hyperglycemic coma, severe pneumonia, asthma attacks, severe exacerbations of COPD, drug poisoning, coma, severe allergic diseases (such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome), anaphylactic shock and other acute medical emergencies, etc.
Cardiac ICU deals with patients diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome, in particular myocardial infarction, providing the whole spectrum of diagnostics and treatment procedures including scheduled and acute coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary interventions; management of patients with cardiogenic shock and respiratory failure (mechanical ventilation, intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation), treatment of pulmonary embolism.
Neurology department provides diagnostics and clinical care to patients with both acute (with 12-beds neurological ICU called “Stroke center”) and chronic neurological and degenerative muscular-skeletal conditions at a 48-beds neurology ward. Affiliated with neurology department, there is an early stroke rehabilitation center as a part of continuity care for patients with acute neurological emergencies.
Republican Clinical Hospital(RCH) is the largest multidisciplinary tertiary care facility of the Republic of Tatarstan comprised of 13 diagnostic departments and 36 clinical and surgical departments (wards), trauma center and a perinatal center as well as an outpatient polyclinic with specialty consultative services. The hospital has 1312 beds, from which 101 are ICUs beds, 312 surgical beds, 279 beds allocated to medicine departments, 220 to perinatal center and 375 are at the trauma center.
The medical care at the RCH is carried out by a wide range of specialized inpatient departments such as cardiology and arrhythmology departments, hematology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, nephrology, endocrinology, neurology acute cerebrovascular center. The departments adopted latest diagnostic technologies and treatment methods. The Hospital has an outpatient hemodialysis and plasmapheresis units.
During the rotations at specialty departments and RCH emergency department, which has more than 300 patients visits daily, residents have great exposure to a wide spectrum of patient population with complex and rare medical conditions; they are involved in diagnostic and treatment decisions and together with specialists provide consultative services within the Hospital including ICUs.
Kazan State Medical University Clinic“KMU Clinic” – is one of the oldest health care facilities in the Republic of Tatarstan, with prominent history of clinical practice and post-graduate medical training that took place during the 19th and 20th centuries.
Today, the Clinic is a newly renovated 300-beds small community type hospital with 2/3 of its capacity allocated to OB/GYN and surgical wards and only 1/3 to general internal medicine beds serving about 100,000 patients locally. The facility is a part of health care network and if needed referring its patients for advanced diagnostics and treatment procedures to a specialized or regional tertiary level facilities in Kazan. During clinical rotations at the internal medicine CTU unit or at the emergency department of the KMU Clinic, our residents have an excellent exposure to patients with a wide spectrum of chronic medical conditions.
At CTU, every resident has an assigned number of patients, works under the supervision of attendings and a faculty member with an increased degree of responsibility where the senior resident oversees the work of junior residents. Additionally, senior residents provide consultative services to patients hospitalized at other departments within the Clinic particularly at general surgery, OB/GYN, proctology, neurology wards and at 6-bed ICU.
The Interregional Clinical and Diagnostic Center (ICDC) “Heart Center”is amodern health care facility of about 15,000 sq.m.that offers both in-patientand out-patient services for patients from the whole region of Tatarstan and Kazan city by providing care to those with vascular pathologies of heart, brain, and peripheral vascular diseases.
ICDC has been recognized as one of the leading healthcare institutions in the field of medical diagnostics, imaging, cardiology and cardiac surgery. Every year over 3 million tests are carried out in the center (over 600 000 laboratory tests, 90,000 electrophysiological examinations, 60,000 ultrasound investigations, 8,000 endoscopic examinations and 40,000 imaging that include magnetic resonance, multispiral computed tomography imaging, radionuclide diagnostics, X-ray imaging and angiography).
Annually more than 125 thousand patients undergo diagnostic examination and receive treatment at ICDC. About 3,200 cardiovascular surgeries and more than 900 brain and spinal cord surgeries are performed in the Center every year. Overall, 80% are planned surgeries and about 20% of urgent procedures. For the first time heart transplant surgery was performed in ICDC in 2011. High-tech health care is provided to patients with myocardial infarction and acute stroke, where treatment outcomes are comparable with the world’s best hospitals.
Cardiology Rotationsin ICDC are done in two wads: No.2 with 40 beds capacity that treats patients with ACS, arrhythmia, early post-MI management, planned angiography and percutaneous interventions and Cardiology ward No.4 an 18-beds ward for patients with early post-infarction or progressive angina pectoris, patients with signs of decompensation of heart failure and those with multiple comorbid medical conditions.
Cardiac ICU
The department is designed for 12 beds with well-equipped bedside and nursing station telemetry, a resuscitation room with an X-ray unit for installing a pacemaker in case of acute conduction disturbances, and a Coronary Аngiography Suite.
Republican Oncological Clinical Dispensary Republican “Сancer Center” is a 1072-beds facility with 23 in-patient departments where more than 30,000 patients receive specialized in-patient care annually from every corner of the Republic of Tatarstan and the city or Kazan. The Center has a modern pathology, immunohistochemical laboratory, a molecular genetic laboratories, imaging departments, nuclear medicine and chemotherapy departments. The outpatient department at the Cancer Center offers specialist initial consultation, diagnostics and follow-up to about 10,000 patients per day.
During Medical Oncology rotation, residents have exposure to a wide spectrum of services from extensive diagnostics services, to acute care, follow-up management including palliative emergency care by emergency medical oncology team and visit to a local palliative care hospice. The residents scheduled to participate in morning hospital rounds on daily bases where most-complex cases, daily planned surgical interventions are discussed. Moreover the residents participate at weekly educational activities where Clinicalor Pathological autopsies are discussed.
Republican Clinical Infectious Disease Hospital is historically a stand alone health care facility that provides specialized (clinical, biochemical and bacteriological) diagnostics and treatment of patients with communicable and rare infectious diseases. It is structured in a way to prevent transmutability and ensure isolation of patients with highly contagious or highly virulent infectious diseases.
Besides specialized wards it has Intensive care unit for those with severe and complicated forms of various infectious diseases such as generalized forms of meningococcal infection (meningitis, meningoencephalitis, meningococcemia), herpetic encephalitis, viral hepatitis and fulminant viral hepatitis, HIV infection with concomitant opportunistic pathology, respiratory failure (acute respiratory distress syndrome), liver and renal failure etc.
The outpatient service is represented by consultative and diagnostic departments to provide qualified consultative and follow-up services, diagnostics to those patients not meeting the criteria for hospitalization.
Polyclinic 21
Out-patient care rotations are held at community-based polyclinic No. 21.
The policlinic comprised of many departments including general health care providers, specialist consultative services, diagnostics department (clinical, biochemical, imaging and endoscopy), specialized clinics (women health, vaccination office), day hospitals (day surgery, diagnostic, medical treatment and rehabilitation), patient education room.
During the rotation in ambulatory care the residents deal with most common diagnostics and treatments procedure for mild acute and chronic illnesses, patient consultation, preventative health care services with the goal to timely and adequately manage chronic medical conditions at out-patient level, timely referral to a specialist and for hospital admissions if needed and follow-up those who have recently been hospitalized to assess treatment outcomes and adjust medications if needed.
State Autonomous Healthcare Institution Children's Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter - GAUZ DRKB MH RT) is a modern multidisciplinary medical institution that combines the functions of a republican clinical hospital, a high-tech clinic and an emergency hospital.
The hospital has been operating since April 20, 1977.
Service area - the entire child population of the Republic of Tatarstan and Kazan from 0 to 17 years old (843 709 children).
Three polyclinics and a Health Center for Children for 1508 visits per shift: two of them (No. 1 and No. 2) function as consultative polyclinics for all children of the Republic of Tatarstan, the children's polyclinic "Azino" functions as a polyclinic for serving the attached children's population of Kazan (more than 38 thousand).
The clinic serves all children of the Republic of Tatarstan and the city of Kazan from 0 to 17 years.