The solemn presentation
On October 12, 2021, a solemn presentation (in online format) of the certificate of accreditation of the KSMU residency program "Internal Medicine" at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada took place.
The following RC representatives took part in the online meeting:
Susan D. Moffat-Bruce, BA, MD, PhD, MBA, MBI, FACS, FRCSI, the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Boris Zevin, Regional Adviser
Glen Bandera, Executive Director, Department of Special Education
Craig Kapiteli, Executive Director, International Cooperation Department
Catherine Maskell, Project Coordinator
Tamara Wilson, Program Manager
The following representatives were from KSMU:
Adelia Maksudova, Senior Educational Officer
Anna Kosterina, Intenal Medicine Residency Program Director