Education quality council
Students Educational Quality Council of Kazan State Medical University is a permanent student’s collegial representative body.
The Council was established in February 2016 on the initiative of students in order to exercise their rights to participate in the management of the educational process and receive quality education.
22 students from all faculties of Kazan State Medical University, the Institute of Pharmacy, as well as Medical and Pharmaceutical College became members of the Council.
The subject of the Council's activity is to promote the educational quality improvement in Kazan State Medical University. The main goals and objectives of the Council are:
assistance in the formation of the KSMU policy in the field of educational quality management in KSMU;
implementation of measures to improve the quality of education in KSMU;
organizing of education quality and students' satisfaction monitoring,
informing the administration about the results of monitoring;
development of proposals to improve the quality of the educational process, taking into account the interests and needs of students and the requirements of federal state educational standards;
discussion, coordination and submission of draft documents in the field of education quality for approval by the administration of KSMU;
formation of recommendations on amendments to the existing local acts of KSMU, taking into account the interests of students (when adopting local acts or making changes to them, the opinion of the Council must be taken into account);
conducting information and educational work with students at KSMU in terms of the regulatory framework for the construction of the educational process;
assistance in increasing students’ motivation aimed at in-depth involvement in the educational process and extracurricular activities (including scientific) aimed at improving the quality of education in KSMU and Russian Federation;
assistance to the structural units of KSMU in organizing and conducting events within the framework of the educational process and scientific activities of KSMU;
development and implementation of public projects aimed at improving the quality of education;
assistance in the adaptation of first-year students to learning conditions.