Student labor squads

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Седелков Дмитрий Владимирович.









The headquarters of the student labor squads of Kazan State Medical University is a team of hyper-energetic, bright, skillful, resourceful, charismatic, cheerful and purposeful fighters who get high-quality professional experience, earn good money, but most importantly do it with great pleasure, dedication and amicably!

The linear student labor squad is a voluntary association of student youth formed for joint industrial, social, educational and cultural activities.
The goals of the student labor squad: ensuring secondary employment of students, protecting and realizing the rights and interests of student labor squad fighters, improving the social and living conditions of their lives, creating conditions for the development of the creative potential and abilities of  student labor squad fighters, improving the quality of training of young specialists.
Our activities:
1) medical labor squads:
2) pedagogical labor squad "Yunik"
3) squad of guides "SUN"
Students who have successfully completed the curriculum, who do not have medical contraindications for the types of work specified in the contract, who have been trained in safety regulations and professional training, who recognize the Charter of the Youth All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Student Squad", the Regulations and the Code of Student Squads can be fighters of student squad.
Graduate students and teachers of educational institutions can also be fighters of student squads. As a rule, a student group is formed from among the students of one faculty of one educational institution and can be male, female or mixed.
What do the squads do during the preparatory period?
This time is from September to June. At this time, the squads do not have to be bored, because we have a rich and very diverse lesson plan.
We have events for every taste, where you can show all your talents and abilities. If you want to sing and dance, festivals are for you, if you want to put on thematic or entertainment programs, a campaign team competition will suit you, and if you want to show your professional abilities, professional skill contests are waiting for you. There is also a competition for candidates. You can be just a spectator, but most importantly you can perform on a big stage with a full auditorium that will support you. The action plan of each squad is complemented by a variety of intra-squad holidays and traditions, such as campaigning, dedication and much more!
During the preparatory period, training in various areas is actively underway: vocational training in the specialty in which the squad fighters work on Virgin Land (medical, passenger car conductor, counselor), training of the squad leaders (commander, commissar), training of the squad specialists  (master, methodologist, sector managers). In addition to the education you receive at the university, you will receive additional knowledge on the second profession, on effective management.
We will tell you how to get into the student squad:
- you need to be a student of an educational institution. Next, you need to find us in Vkontakte (, choose an interesting area of activity of the squad for you, study the merits and history of the selected squad.
- if you are in doubt, you need advice on which squad is better, more interesting, contact the Headquarters of student squads with questions: Kazan, Butlerova str., 49, main building, 4th floor.