In KSMU the meeting of rector, prof. A.S.Sozinov, withexpert of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, professor of McGill University, Thomas Maniatis took place on April 5, 2017. The visit of expert is connected with the present process of accreditation and auditing of residency program “Internal medicine”.
The following people took part in the meeting: vice-rector on clinical work A.V.Shulaev, head of office of international affairs M.A.Mukhamedyarov, director of residency program A.N. Maksudova, chairman of Local Ethic committee of KSMU prof. M.E. Guryleva, specialist of office of international affairs I.A.Nazarova.
On the meeting rector presented brief review of history and contemporary achievements of KSMU. In his turn prof. Maniatis shared his impressions of Kazan and university. Prof. Maniatis appreciated the work of residency program, which is realized on the base of KSMU, and the work of whole university in general. Mutual photo was taken after handing over the souvenir to professor of McGill University, Thomas Maniatis.
On the 31st of March, 2017 rector’s meeting with the delegation of Consulate General of Iran in Kazan took place in KSMU. Delegation included Acting Head of the Consulate General of Iran in Kazan, Alibeman Eghbali Zarch and Consul for economic affairs of the Consulate General of Iran in Kazan, Malekoddin Shafagat, interpreter Ehsan Shariatmadari. KSMU was represented by vice-rector on scientific affairs and innovations I.G.Mustafin, dean of foreign students’ faculty E.S.Koshpaeva, head of the office of international affairs M.A. Mukhamedyarov and specialist of office of international affairs I.A.Nazarova. Following the informative presentation of rector A.S.Sozinov about outstanding past and intensive present of KSMU, Consul General told about actual state of healthcare and level of medical education in Iran. Participants of meeting discussed opportunities of cooperation broadening in educational and scientific spheres, moreover the list of priority directions of development were also provided. Mr. Alibeman Eghbali Zarch exchanged memorable presents with rector and then met with students of KSMU – citizens of Iran.
Traditionally, March is the time for representatives of International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA) to meet again. More than 1000 medical students from all around the world join together to discuss actual problems and new projects’ development, propose an amendment to present rules and strengthen international relations between countries.
The IFMSA 66th March Meeting General Assembly took place in the beautiful city of Budva, on the Montenegrin coast, from the 2nd till the 8th of March, 2017. TaMSA delegation (Tatarstan Medical Students Association) included the following students of KSMU: Mukhametshina Ellina, Gaisina Aida, Nizamova Ilseiar, Khairullina Alina, Kuznetsova Anastasia, Gabdulkhaev Ramil, Vaiman Anna and Firsova Ksenia. Delegates of KSMU sat on such committees as Standing Committee on Research Exchange, Standing Committee on Professional Exchange, Standing Committee on Public Health and Standing Committee on Medical Education. They took active part in discussions and solution of local and general matters of IFMSA.
On everyday meetings students were talking over up to date topics, relating to the refinement of educational side of exchanges, problems of introduction to the educational exchange program, the ways of obtaining governmental support by local committees, increasing students’ interest to researches, development of united administration for sharing of experience continuity of exchange officers. A plenty of internationally important questions were risen by the committees SCOPH and SCOME, among them were projects development on combating HIV pandemic, death resulting from Non-Communicable Diseases control, donorship popularization, well-timed Cancer diagnosis and others.
Lectures and trainings gave a great opportunity to all participants to learn something new, communicate face to face with IFMSA representatives from other countries, compare systems of medical education and healthcare, discover differences and likenesses, find one’s inspiration and work out connections in international medical society.
Every day ended with debates on plenary sessions, nominations for the higher positions in Federation and discussions about the place of next General Assembly. On the exchange fair our delegates presented Tatarstan at top level, answered a plenty of questions about summer internship in Kazan on the base of KSMU and local clinical hospitals, about our culture and traditions. Also delegates exchanged official invitations for students, who will undertake internship this summer.
The IFMSA 66th March Meeting General Assembly became another break forward for TaMSA and all the participants of International Federation of Medical Students Associations in KSMU!
On the 30th of Decemder, 2016 KSMU hosted a meeting of rector, professor A.S. Sozinov with representatives of the Republic of South Africa embassy in Russia, Thando Dalamba - Counsellor Political and Keneth Tshisikawe Nekhudzhiga – First Secretary. KSMU was also represented by vice-rector on scientific affairs and innovations I.G. Mustafin, specialist of dean’s office of faculty of international students A.A. Ziganshina and head of office of international affairs M.A. Mukhamedyarov.
Besides the cooperation matters, participants of the meeting payed attention to the problems of higher education in Tatarstan and discussion of SAR Counsellor next visit to KSMU. It is significant that representatives of embassy showed an interest in organization of education and internships in SAR, since KSMU offers appropriate education in English.