It’s official now — KSMU is the 3rd best medical university according to ARES-2014 rating
According to the Ratings, Kazan State Medical University has been accredited with a rating of «BBB+» and was ranked 33rd among all Russian universities (includes medical and non-medical universities i.e. General list). It has been ranked as the «3rd Best Medical School in Russia» after Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov (General list rank — 26th) and St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlov.(General list rank — 27th).
The main parameters assessed for rating included: International Cooperation, research activities, demand for graduates, level of post-graduate training, international recognition of postgraduate training, level of computerization, membership of European Academy of Sciences, awards issued by different bodies including by the departments of European Chamber of Commerce and European Commission, interaction with the employers etc.
Ratings have three categories:
- Category A (AAA, AA+, AА, А+, А) — High Quality performance
- Category B (BBB+, BBB, BB+, BB, B+, B) — Good quality prformance
- Category C (CCC+, CCC, CC+, CC, C+, C) — Adequate quality performance.
Read the Full list here: