
Подписано простой электронной подписью: Гатиятуллина Лилия Зуфаровна.

Scientists of the Kazan State Medical University have discovered compounds that in the future can be used to fight cancer.

The author of the development, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chair of General Pathology Department, Dean of  of Medicine and Biology Faculty of Kazan State Medical University S.Boychuk.
"We have synthesized a number of compounds that are considered as promising chemotherapy drugs. The compounds showed high activity against various tumors: lung, breast and prostate cancer, a number of sarcomas, " Boychuk said.

Scientists have begun pre-clinical trials on mice, with results expected in the next few weeks. Further studies are planned for toxicity and teratogenicity (the ability to cause disorders of embryonic development).

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