Подписано простой электронной подписью: Гатиятуллина Лилия Зуфаровна.

On March 2, 2021, Kazan State Medical University and GMED Global LLC (USA) signed a cooperation agreement aimed at creating an international model of medical education in Russia.

This agreement provides the basis for the implementation of an innovative four-year educational program for training doctors on the basis of the Canadian School of Medicine, which will be created as a structural unit of the Kazan State Medical University. GMED Global (USA) is a long-term partner of the Kazan State Medical University and is an international company specializing in the development of educational programs in the field of medical education.

In connection with the implementation of this project, Kazan State Medical University received the status of a federal innovation platform in the field of higher education and related additional professional education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1580 dated 25.12.2020). The new educational program of higher medical education for students with a bachelor's degree in natural sciences will provide training for globally competitive doctors with unique competencies.

The implementation of the new educational program is planned on the basis of the campus of the Canadian Medical School, which will be located near the Kazan River Port and will be a fully equipped center with modern educational spaces, residential apartments for students and faculty, social and recreational infrastructure. The first set of students is planned in the fall of 2022.

The unique four-year educational program, which will be implemented on the basis of the Canadian School of Medicine of Kazan State Medical University, is based on the model of horizontal integration of fundamental and clinical disciplines, which will provide students with the opportunity to plunge into practical medicine from the first days of training. An important factor in the success of the project is the fact that the Kazan State Medical University has the accreditation of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Currently, on the basis of the Kazan State Medical University, two educational residency programs are being implemented ("Internal Medicine" and " Neurology») according to the standards of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Upon graduation from medical school, students can continue their professional training in the residency program. This model provides continuity, regular assessment of knowledge and intensity of training from the first day of medical school to the moment of graduation. Students of the Canadian School of Medicine will also have the opportunity to take clinical rotations abroad and get acquainted with the organization of health systems and the specifics of diseases in different countries of the world.

According to the Rector of the Kazan State Medical University, deputy and member of the Committee on Social Policy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, Professor A. S. Sozinov, the implementation of this project on the basis of the Kazan State Medical University will contribute to the modernization of the Russian system of higher medical education in accordance with the best international standards and increase the export potential of Russian education.