Подписано простой электронной подписью: Гатиятуллина Лилия Зуфаровна.

In Tatarstan, the number of new cases of coronavirus infection is decreasing. And this is the best time to get vaccinated, says Diana Ildarovna Abdulganieva, Chief therapist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, Vice-Rector of the Kazan State Medical University.

More than eighty-two thousand Tatarstan citizens have already been vaccinated. But in order to stop the epidemic, it is necessary that at least sixty percent of the population of the republic be vaccinated with Sputnik V. Today, getting vaccinated against a dangerous infection is much easier than even a month ago. There are more than one hundred and fifty vaccination points, including even in shopping centers.
And yet, for many, the "vaccinate or not" dilemma remains daunting. Part of the population is afraid of the risk of post-vaccination complications. Many still rely on their own immunity and on the eternal Russian "maybe". And some are so psychologically difficult to endure a year of self-isolation and a continuous flow of negative information that they are not able to make any decisions at all and simply "float at the will of the waves".
On the one hand, the number of patients with covid in the republic in one form or another is not so great – according to official statistics, less than twenty thousand people for almost a year. Even if you add to them the same number of people who have had the disease in an asymptomatic form, this is still not even an epidemic threshold. On the other hand, according to the chief doctor of the Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital, Marat Gataullin, it is worth once walking through the corridors of the " red " zone and seeing with your own eyes the suffering of patients with covid, in order to drop everything and run to the nearest vaccination center.
Diana Ildarovna considers covid not even a disease, but a phenomenon. For the reason that he managed to touch not only health, but also many other aspects of people's lives. "Last spring, we just didn't know when the light would appear at the end of the tunnel. The process seemed unpredictable – " she says. – For more than a year, the best medical minds are busy with one disease – this has never happened in the history of medicine. The virus is completely unique, the disease passes in two stages. The first five days are a common acute respiratory viral infection. But even today, there is not a single anti-covid drug that would work with one hundred percent effectiveness. On the sixth day, the disease "changes face", systematically affecting not only the lungs, but also the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, central and peripheral nervous system… In medicine, this is called systemic inflammation, which can lead to the most sad outcome." And if at first the doctors talked more about anti-inflammatory drugs to stop the so – called cytokine storm-uncontrolled inflammation that leads to damage to the body's own tissues, then the last two months the coagulation storm comes to the fore, when blood clots appear in all the large vessels of the body. What is the threat of a blood clot that has moved to an independent swimming through a blood vessel, you can imagine… Vaccination has been tested for centuries. Today, fortunately, we do not have live smallpox. There is no diphtheria or polio in Tatarstan, and only rare imported cases of measles have been reported.

According to the Chief Cardiologist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases Zulfiya Faritovna Kim, those suffering from cardiovascular diseases are particularly hard to tolerate COVID-19. According to her, complications of varying severity occur in about half of these patients. What manifestations of the disease should you pay attention to? If the patient has a pressing, burning, squeezing pain in the chest, shortness of breath, which increases with physical exertion and is accompanied by swelling of the legs, then the visit to the doctor can not be postponed. These symptoms can manifest as a complication not only in heart patients, but also in people who are completely healthy before covid. Therefore, you need to treat your own well-being more carefully. For example, at least for three months after discharge, monitor blood pressure. And attention: another complication after COVID-19 is arrhythmia. The complexity of treatment of covid, its numerous consequences is also evidenced by the fact that in February the tenth (!) version of the methodological recommendations of doctors was officially published. This has never happened before in the history of medicine…

As the head of the Department of Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine of the Kazan State Medical University Gulshat Rashatovna Khasanova notes, clinical trials of vaccines usually take place within a few months. Immediate effects are tracked and reported to the public. Long-term adverse effects? Theoretically, they are possible, but, according to all data, the vaccine should not carry a health risk. However, says Gulshat Rashatovna, any medical drug carries a risk, a new one – even more so. It is almost impossible to predict the consequences for twenty years ahead. That's why we have been monitoring the effect of the drug on the human body for decades, and that's why new information about drugs that have grown up for more than one generation is emerging. As for the classic vaccines, the doctor explains, 95 percent of side effects and complications are usually observed within a month. This experience is already there. Based on this, both Russian and foreign researchers concluded that there is a fairly high probability that the dangerous manifestations and complications of the vaccine will not give them immunity
According to Rustem Robertovich Islamov, Head of the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics at Kazan State Medical University, this vaccine model is safe. "It is based on the adenovirus vector, or simply its particle," says the professor. - The adenovirus is well known, almost everyone has probably had this infection. Out of four dozen of its strains, two of the safest for humans were selected, they are used as a transport of the coronavirus antigen into the body's cells. There is no coronavirus in the vaccine – there is only one gene that encodes one protein to start producing antibodies, so it is impossible to get sick from vaccination."
Chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Associate Professor of the Department of Children's Infections of the Kazan State Medical University Halit Saubanovich Khaertynov believes that the growth rate of covid infection worldwide is too significant to ignore. – In four percent of cases, complications after covid are very serious, in sixteen-of moderate severity, these are vascular catastrophes and severe pneumonia. Only vaccination can save the situation…
Alas, the population has always been wary of it. Not a single vaccination was accepted with a bang, although more effective methods of prevention from infectious diseases have not yet been invented. To date, many vaccines known to us in isolated cases cause complications, while saving millions of people.
I CHOOSE LIFE Contrary to all sorts of rumors, not only deaths, but also cases of serious complications after vaccination against COVID-19 have not been noted in the republic.
"Doctors have been vaccinating since September," says Diana Abdulganieva. – Without this, they were not allowed to enter the "red" zone in the second wave. By the November holidays, we have already realized that the vaccination is very well tolerated, the level of antibodies is high. Previously vaccinated doctors work in the " red " zone to this day, and none of them got sick." According to the chief physician of the republic, practice has shown that elderly patients are much easier to tolerate vaccination. At the same time, the level of immunity formation is the same for everyone.
For information
Coronaviruses were discovered in 1965. But in the last twenty years, there has been a third surge in the spread of these infections. The first took place in the form of an epidemic of SARS in 2002-2003, then – in 2015, when the epidemic caused by the MERS coronavirus was noted. Today, the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has spread on the planet. The first two epidemics led to greater mortality, but the new coronavirus significantly outstripped them in terms of the number of infected people.
A freelance rheumatologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yevgeny L. Nasonov said at one of the congresses in Kazan that the XXI century is the century of viruses and autoimmune diseases. Only last year, doctors fully appreciated this definition: the covid virus is able to launch in the human body severe immune reactions of hyperinflammation of almost all organs and systems. And it is very difficult to treat the consequences of systemic inflammation, so it is necessary to stop the spread of infection by all available means. When the risk of possible complications is on one side of the scale, and the benefits of vaccination are on the other, the second one significantly outweighs.
