Academic Council meeting

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

The Academic Council meeting Kazan State Medical University was held  on March 25 , 2022  on the Microsoft Teams platform. The meeting was opened by the rector of the University A.S. Sozinov.

Informing the audience about the current state of affairs, Alexey Stanislavovich acquainted the members of the Academic Council with the results of the First Competition to determine the recipients of grants from the budget of the Kazan State Medical University for conducting research within the framework of the University Development Program. The winners of the competition were: Professor R.R.Islamov – project "Autologous leukoconcentrate enriched with genetic material for personalized precision gene therapy of neurotrauma, ischemic strokes and neurodegenerative diseases", Histology, Cytology and Embryology Department, and R.I. Mustafin– project "Research of molecular mechanisms of action of metformin as a potential geroprotector and development of systems for its improved delivery for treatment of cognitive disorders and prevention of dementia", Pharmacy Institute, Central Research Institute, Pharmacology Department.

The first issue on the main agenda was a work report of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases Department named after Professor S.S. Zimnitsky in connection with the expiration of the term of election of the chair of the department. The Chairman of the commission, Professor E.Z. Yakupov and the chair of the department, MD, Professor N.R. Khasanov, made a report on this topic. The Academic Council recognized the work done at the department for five years as satisfactory by a majority of votes.

The Chairman of the commission, Associate Professor R.R.Kolyasov, gave information on the implementation of the decisions of the Academic Council of Kazan State Medical University for the 2018-2019 academic year.

The Chief Accountant S.L. Smetannikova provided the report on the planned financial activities of the university in 2021.

In addition, Vice-Rector D.S. Zuev gave speech on information security compliance measures to the Academic Council. The head of the postgraduate department N.I. Sharafutdinov the approval of the admission rules for postgraduate programs. The head of the residency department A.G. Zhidyaevsky announced the approval of the admission rules for residency programs.

Professor R.A. Fayzullina, the Chairman of the commission, presented the results of the competition for scholarships and scholarships of the Academic Council to the participants of the meeting.

The Scientific Council discussed and approved a review of the relevance of scientific works and their practical application by the Chair of Pharmacognosy with Botany and the Basics of Phytotherapy Department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Kurkin in connection with his presentation for the award of the honorary title "Honored Worker sciences of the Russian Federation".

The Vice-rector A.V. Shulaev acquainted the audience with the epidemic situation of the new coronavirus infection.

The Chairman of the trade union committee of students N.M. Gilfanov told about the preparation for the V Gala Ball of the Kazan State Medical University at the end of the meeting.