Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

The cycle was opened by the head of the department, Professor I.F. Fatkullin with a lecture "Controversial issues of the use of anticoagulants in obstetrics. 12 policies for the doctor". The working program of the cycle includes 9 lectures on the most relevant and controversial problems of modern obstetrics and gynecology. The cycle will end with a lecture by Professor I.F. Fatkullin "Critical obstetric conditions. What's behind it.""
Review of the head of the of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of TMA, Professor D.K. Nazhmutdinova:
"Dear Ildar Faridovich, thank you very much for such a great lecture. It is a non-standard and unbiased approach in covering a very relevant topic. We listened to you with great attention. Thanks! More than 100 people listened to you -professors, associate professors, department assistants, masters, clinical residents, gynecologists, anesthesiologists and our recent graduates."