The final stage of the VI International Olympiad in English as a Foreign Language "Russian Language and History of Medicine" among foreign students studying in an intermediate language started at Kazan State Medical University on April 13. The Olympiad was held within the framework of the IX International Scientific Medical Forum of Students and Young Scientists with international participation "White Flowers". This year it is dedicated to the Year of Folk Art and Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia.The geography of the Olympiad is very extensive: 5 medical universities took part in the Olympiad: Tashkent Medical Academy, Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ivanovo State Medical Academy, Kazan State Medical University, Volga Research Medical University.
The Olympiad has already become a good tradition. It brings together talented young people from the most remote corners of the globe. More than 70 applications were received from students from the following countries this year: Sudan, Congo, Cape Verde, Syria, UAE, India, Tunisia, Lebanon, Morocco, Ghana, Iraq, Egypt, Malaysia, China, Algeria, Iran, Nigeria, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan.
It is gratifying to realize that young talented foreigners are striving to come into contact with the centuries-old heritage of Russian culture.
Tasks of the final stage of the Olympiad were performed by 16 participants from the following educational institutions: Kazan State Medical University, Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky, Tashkent Medical Academy, Ivanovo State Medical Academy, Volga Research Medical University.
This year the Olympiad was held in a hybrid format. The organizers met with the participants, familiarized them with the instructions, requirements and wished them good luck, then the students began to complete the tasks of the 2nd stage in real time and online.
The following winners were determined:
Category of participants "Far abroad. Basic level":
1st place – Jihed Mehrzi (Kazan State Medical University);
2nd place – Wei Shu (Tashkent Medical Academy) and Ibrahim Mohamed Saleh Mohamed (Kazan State Medical University);
3rd place – Radwan Mahmud Fasih Lotfi Mohamed (Kazan State Medical University).
Category of participants "Near abroad":
1st place – Bakhtiyor Akhror (Tashkent Medical Academy);
2nd place – Bayramova Zarina (Ivanovo State Medical Academy);
3rd place – Alizhonova Madinabona (Tashkent Medical Academy).
Category of participants "Far abroad. Advanced level":
1st place – Al Marjane Haider Alaa (Privolzhsky Research Medical University);
2nd place – Sebsi Najim Eddin (Kazan State Medical University);
3rd place – Elkholi Mohab Mahmoud Abdelaziz Ibrahim (Saratov State Medical University)