Cooperation with Rulakom Consult

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Educational course of the head of the Department of visceral surgery of the Asklepios Nord clinic, Dr. Asad Kutup (Germany) on abdominal surgery for employees and students of the Kazan State Medical University was held throughout 2021 and has been successfully completed in November.

Educational course of the head of the Department of visceral surgery of the Asklepios Nord clinic, Dr. Asad Kutup (Germany) on abdominal surgery for employees and students of the Kazan State Medical University was held throughout 2021 and has been successfully completed in November.The educational course was organized as part of the implementation of the agreement concluded between Kazan State Medical University and Rulakom Consult GmbH (Germany) on 20.01.2021.

The purpose of the educational course was to improve the professional knowledge and skills of employees and students of Kazan State Medical University, as well as other medical professionals of Kazan, in the field of abdominal surgery, to develop cooperation in educational, scientific and clinical fields.

Between February and November 2021, the following events were organized:

1) Master classes on intestinal surgery at the Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan for residents and postgraduates of the Kazan State Medical University, surgeons of the Hospital: 25.02.2021, 15.04.2021, 14.05.2021, 27.09.2021

2) Lectures at the Kazan State Medical University:

15.04.2021 "Extended resection for pancreatic cancer"

14.05.2021 "Treatment of complications after resection of the esophagus and stomach"

27.09.2021 "Methods for determining the stage of esophageal and stomach cancer"

3) Online lectures:

29.03.2021 "Bowel cancer: can be prevented!"

26.04.2021 "Pancreatic cystadenoma"

18.10.2021 "Surgical therapy of esophageal and cardial cancer: when and how to operate"

01.11.2021 "Multidisciplinary treatment of esophageal and stomach cancer"

15.11.2021 "Treatment of complications after esophageal and stomach resection"

29.11.2021 "General surgery of abdominal wall hernia"

4) Internships of representatives of the Department of Surgical Diseases of Kazan State Medical University at the Department of General and Visceral Surgery of the clinic "Asklepios Nord" (Hamburg, Germany).