Lectures of visiting professor

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On November 14 - 24, 2022, Kazan State Medical University is hosting a series of lectures of the Chief researcher of the Scientific Center of Neurology (Moscow), Chief Researcher of the Krasnoyarsk State Medical University (Krasnoyarsk), Professor Alla Borisovna Salmina. The lectures are funded by the grant of the Government of Tatarstan “Algarysh”.

Professor A.B. Salmina is a well–known scientist, founder and team leader of the scientific school "New technologies for controlling molecular mechanisms of intercellular communication for the tasks of translational medicine", supported by the Presidential Grants Council as the leading scientific school of the Russian Federation in the field of medicine. Alla Borisovna Salmina specializes in pathophysiology, biochemistry, molecular medicine, neurochemistry, and biophysics. Professor A.B. Salmina is the author of more than 900 scientific papers, including more than 350 articles in leading Russian and international peer-reviewed journals, 10 monographs, more than 20 patents and 25 textbooks. Hirsch Index: 28 (RSCI), 26 (Web of Science), 24 (Scopus), 35 (Google Scholar).

Participants of lectures will be able to systematize knowledge about the functioning of the brain from the perspective of intercellular interactions and the integration of metabolism, about approaches to modeling brain tissue in vitro and creating new models of human diseases on animals in vivo, about the development of research technologies for visualizing brain cells and tissues.

Students and faculty of Kazan State Medical University are welcome to attend the lectures. For more information, please contact the Office of International Affairs of KSMU at +7 (843) 236 77 44.