“Followers of Avicenna”

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

The results of the III International Olympiad for students of medical universities “Followers of Avicenna”, held on March 28, 2023 in an online format, have summed up.

The organizer of the Olympiad is the Tashkent Medical Academy (Uzbekistan).

2-3-year students of General Medicine Faculty Arseniy Danilin, Nikita Mardariev, Renata Savzikhanova and Danila Shmagin under the leadership of the Chair of Normal Physiology Department M.A. Mukhamedyarov and Associate Professor A.V. Martynov took part in the section of Normal Physiology. Our students have successfully coped with the stages of the Olympiad, which included “Testing”, “Situational tasks”, “Blitz-poll”. The diploma of the I degree was awarded to Nikita Mardariev, the diploma of the III degree to Shmagin Danila, the nomination “Brilliant perspective” was awarded to Savzikhanov Renata, the nomination “For a reative approach to solving Olympiad tasks” was awarded to Danilin Arseniy.

Students of General Medicine Faculty and Pediatrics Faculty under the leadership of the Chair of Foreign Languages Department O.Y. Makarova and Associate Professor M.I. Andreeva took part in the section of Foreign Languages. According to the results of the three stages, which included lexical and grammatical test, a conversation on a given topic and a monologue, our students were awarded diplomas and certificates. The diploma of the III place was awarded to Didakunyan Natevan (group 2510). Akramova Zilya (group 1304) were awarded a certificate in the nomination “Professional competence”, Grachunova Olga (group 2508) – a certificate in the nomination “Erudite participant”, Fakhrutdinov Hafiz (group 1605) – a certificate “Brilliant perspective”. Certificates for active participation were awarded to Regina Kagarmanova (group 2506) and Polina Soboleva (group 2515).

We congratulate our students with their victory and wish them further successes!