International agreement
On May 18, 2023, at the site of the XIV International Economic Forum “Russia – Islamic World: KazanForum” 2023, cooperation agreements between Kazan State Medical University and universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan were signed.
The agreement on the establishment of an international scientific and educational consortium for the implementation of the project “Design and implementation of an integrated educational program” between the Kazan State Medical University, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov (St. Petersburg), Medical University of Karaganda (Republic of Kazakhstan), Semey Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan) was signed by Aleksey Sozinov, Rector of Kazan State Medical University, Sergey Saiganov, Rector of North-Western State Medical University named after Ilya Mеchnikov, Anar Turmukhambetova, Rector of Karaganda Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan), Altay Dyussupov, Rector of Semey Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan).
This is a continuation of the joint work started in 2022. The consortium will give an opportunity to share the best practices of each university and create a synergistic effect that will help to develop new innovative training programs as efficiently as possible.
In 2023 KSMU, within the University Development Program and the implementation of the strategic academic leadership program “Priority 2030”, began to implement the integrated program for one group of 3 year students studying in English. The implementation of the program is based on a problem-oriented approach and carried out according to the principles of “early clinical inclusion” and teamwork “living and learning community” (we study and live together), when all students included in the project live in one dorm, they are provided with a special classroom for teamwork during extra-curricular time.
It should be noted that in the 2019-2020 academic year Kazakhstan switched to new standards of medical education, including the implementation of integrated programs. In this program internship and Master's degree are introduced in a unified 6-year basic education program (instead of the current program “5 (Bachelor's degree) + 2 (internship)”. At the end of 6 years, a university graduate will be awarded a diploma of higher education MD/+MSc, which means the award of Master's degree and a doctor's qualification.
The consortium members outlined plans for joint work, including the work on the creation of textbooks and teaching materials, the organization of joint conferences, academic mobility of teachers.
Also, the agreement on the joint residency education program in “Obstetrics and Gynecology” of Kazan State Medical University and Tashkent Medical Academy was signed by Aleksey Sozinov, Rector of Kazan State Medical University, and Jakhongirkhon Israilov, Vice-Rector for International Relations of Tashkent Medical Academy (Republic of Uzbekistan).
The cooperation agreement between Kazan State Medical University and Kazakhstan Medical University “Higher School of Public Health” was signed by Aleksey Sozinov, Rector of Kazan State Medical University, and Botagoz Turdaliyeva, Rector of Kazakhstan Medical University “Higher School of Public Health” (Republic of Kazakhstan).