International Journal
Lilia Ziganshina, Professor of Pharmacology Department at Kazan State Medical University and Director of the Cochrane Russia Center, has become the editor-in-chief of one of the most authoritative international journals in the field of evidence-based medicine – “The International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine”.
The journal aims to promote the implementation of medical practice as safe as possible. This includes promoting the highest possible quality of medical care, as well as studying how to contain the inevitable risks accompanying medical activities and manage them in relation to an international audience.
This magazine is not only about medicines. As indicated in the subtitle of the journal, the focus is on patient safety and pharmacovigilance. The journal publishes high-quality interdisciplinary articles related to patient safety, and not for narrow-profile specialists. In particular, the journal welcomes materials on the balance of benefits and risks of any treatment/management that practitioners should take into account and which can also contribute to the understanding of the treatment process by patients.
The journal is indexed in all major international databases (Scopus, Web of Science, MEDLINE, Pubmed, Embase and others). The citation index of the journal for 2022 is 2.5.
More information about the journal can be found on its official website: