International consortium board meeting

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On September 29, 2023, 2nd meeting of the consortium board for the implementation of the project “Design and implementation of an integrated educational program” was held online. The meeting discussed the organization of academic mobility of students and academic staff in the 2023-2024 academic year, advanced training programs for representatives of universities – consortium participants, the development of a joint integrated educational program, as well as promising areas of research in medical education.

Presentations were made by Laysan Mukharyamova, First Vice-Rector of Kazan State Medical University, Kuatbek Toleubekov, Vice-Rector for Academic Issues of Karaganda Medical University, Elena Polyakova, Dean of the School of Medicine of Karaganda Medical University, Maria Nigmetzyanova, Associate Professor of the Histology Department of Kazan State Medical University, Sergey Bulatov, Head of the Department of Simulation Teaching Methods in Medicine of Kazan State Medical University, etc.

Elena Polyakova, Dean of the School of Medicine of Karaganda Medical University and Maria Nigmetzyanova, Associate Professor of the Histology Department of Kazan State Medical University presented the results of a two-week internship of six teachers of Kazan State Medical University at the Karaganda Medical University in September 2023.

Recall that the international consortium for the implementation of the project “Design and implementation of an integrated educational program” includes two Russian universities: Kazan State Medical University and North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, as well as two universities from Kazakhstan: Karaganda Medical University, Semey Medical University.