Art Festival
Students of Kazan State Medical University took part in the XV Art Festival of Medical Students and Medical Professionals on October, 10-14 in Nizhny Novgorod. The festival was attended by more than 1.5 thousand guests: students of medical universities, as well as employees of medical and preventive care institutions.
The participants of the Festival presented creative performances in vocal, instrumental, vocal-instrumental, choreographic, theatrical, literary, media competitions, as well as competitions of performers of the original genre and fine arts. The qualifying stages of the Festival were held at the iconic venues of Nizhny Novgorod.
The delegation of Kazan State Medical University successfully presented the university and included Chief of Educational Work Department Inessa Fedulova, Director of the Student club T. Volkov, resident of the Hospital Pediatrics Department A. Raimova, as well as dance team "Shomobas", theater studio "Thunder", vocal ensemble "Duodecim", solo performances.
Congratulations to our winners:
Art Photography - 1st place, Sutyrkina Polina
Original genre (solo) - 1st place, Diana Khamitova
Original genre (solo) - 3rd place, Raimova Adelina
Special prize (Labour Union Certificate) - "Duodecim"
Special prize (Youth capital) - Zhurba Sofia
Declamation (dramatization) - 2nd place, "Thunder"
Folk dance (ensemble) - 1st place, "Shomabas".