All-Russian Olympiad “MedProfi”

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On October 27-28, 2023, I All-Russian Olympiad “MedProfi” for students of 5-6 courses of General Medicine and Pediatrics Faculties of Russian medical universities was held at the Educational Center for High Technologies in Medicine “AMTEC KAZAN”. 16 teams participated in the Olympiad. Students from Moscow, Irkutsk, Penza, Chelyabinsk, Vladivostok, Samara, Tomsk, Cheboksar, Magas came to compete in knowledge and skills. Kazan State Medical University was represented by two teams.
During 6 hours the teams, moving from one station to another, did tasks are as close as possible to reality.

Among the competitive tests included: a creative contest of videos of presentations of teams-participants, emergency care with extended cardiopulmonary resuscitation, laparoscopic surgery skills, flexible endoscopy skills, ultrasonic skills, a station with virtual patient, workshops in electrocardiography and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. All stages of the Olympiad were conducted using advanced high-tech medical simulators, such as Leonardo VR, Leonardo HF, EndoVision, SonoVision, LapVision.

The winner in the creative competition was the team of our university. It consists of Frolova E.S. (team captain, gr. 1607), Anokhina E.A. (gr. 1607), Muhamadiyarova A.R. (gr. 2502), Gainullin I.I. (gr. 2502) under the guidance of Assistant of Hospital Therapy Department E.N. Belousova.

According to the results of all competitive tests of the Olympiad, the 1st place was taken by the team of our university: R.D. Mutigullin (team captain, gr.1601), L.A. Gainutdinova (gr.1601), T.D. Gostynin (gr.1601), K.M. Sadykova (gr.1601).

Under the leadership of Vice-Rector, Chair of Hospital Therapy Department D.I. Abdulganieva, academic staff who trained students to participate in the Olympiad: Assistants of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, Disaster Medicine Department Sh.D. Gardanov and A.A. Shakirova, Associate Professor of Hospital Therapy Department G.I. Nurullina, Assistants of Hospital Therapy Department I.F. Fayrushina, E.N. Belousova, D.D. Mukhametova, Associate Professor of Hospital Therapy Department E.R. Kirillova, Associate Professor of Surgical Diseases Department D.M. Mirgashimova, 2 year of study Resident of Surgical Diseases Department R.Z. Netfullov.

Congratulations to all the participants of the Olympiad!