International Dental Congress
IX Belarusian International Dental Congress “Dentistry of Belarus” was closed in Minsk.
On the invitation of Rector of Belarusian State Medical University, academic staff of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department of Kazan State Medical University took part in the forum.
Professor Rinat Saleev made a presentation on modern author’s methods in Orthopaedic Dentistry. The presentation sparked a lively discussion among colleagues - representatives of higher educational institutions of Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, China, Zimbabwe and Uzbekistan.
During the trip to Minsk the delegation of our university had a meeting with the Rector of Belarusian State Medical University, MD, Professor, Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chief external dentist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus Sergey Rubnikovich and academic staff of the Faculty of Dentistry of Belarusian State Medical University.
Hopefully, new acquaintances will be the basis for mutually beneficial fruitful cooperation between our universities.