Student of the Year – 2024

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

January 25 was the awarding ceremony of the Republican Prize - “Student of the Year - 2024”.

Among the winners of the award - students and teams of Kazan State Medical University.

In individual nominations:

·         Khairullina Leyla – the winner in the nomination “Volunteer of the Year”

·         Kabdullina Karina – the winner in the nomination “International Student of the Year”

·         Abyzova Aliya – the laureate in the nomination “Media person of the Year”


In collective nominations:

·         Mentoring movement “Applicant” of Kazan State Medical University – the winner in the nomination “Student Organization”

·         Student Scientific Organization named after I.A. Studentsova – the winner in the nomination “Student Scientific Organization”

·         Student Club of KSMU – the laureate in the nomination “Student Creative Club”

·         STUDMEDUNION – the laureate in the nomination “Student Media”

We congratulate representatives of our university and wish further victories and development!

