Open lectures of Dr. Asad Kutup (Germany)

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On February 13, 2024, at 11:00, Kazan State Medical University will hold two open lectures on abdominal surgery by the Chief Physician of the General and Visceral Surgery Department of the Asklepios Nord-Heidberg Medical Center, Honorary Professor of Kazan State Medical University, Dr. Asad Kutup (Germany).

Topics of the lectures: “Pancreatic cystadenoma” and “Treatment of pancreatic injury”.

At the end of lectures, participants who successfully completed the educational course will be awarded certificates. Also, Dr. Kutup will choose two best participants of the course, who will have the opportunity to undergo an internship at the Asklepios Nord-Heidberg Medical Center under the guidance of Dr. Kutup.

Venue of the lectures: Academic Council Hall,  Administrative building, 1st floor, 49, Butlerov Str.