Lectures by Dr. Asad Kutup

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On February 24, 2025, the first lecture was given by Dr. Asad Kutup, Honorary Professor of Kazan State Medical University, Head of the Department of General and Visceral Surgery at Asclepios Nord Clinic (Hamburg, Germany)!

The lecture series will take place from February 24, 2025 to June 15, 2025 (every Monday) at 18:00 in online fromat.

Subscribe to the Telegram channel "Lectures by Prof. A. Kutup" to receive up-to-date information about schedule changes:


Collection of applications for the Prince Mahidol Foundation Award (Thailand)

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Dear colleagues!

We would like to inform you that the Prince Mahidol Award Foundation (Thailand) has opened a collection of applications for participation in the award competition for outstanding work and/or research activities that contribute to the development of global medicine and public health. Russian public and private sector organizations are invited to participate in the competition.

The deadline for accepting applications by the Prince Mahidol Award Foundation is May 23, 2025 (the deadline for accepting applications from the Russian Ministry of Health is April 30, 2025). The results of the competition will be announced in NovemberDecember 2025.

Additional information on this issue can be obtained by email Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. . The registration form for referral to the Russian Ministry of Health at the above-mentioned email address can be found at the following link: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/7FCA/sCAu1Gw9m.


Picture background

Training of residents of Karaganda Medical University in the discipline of Pediatric Nephrology at Kazan State Medical University

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

As part of academic mobility, in the period from 11/13/2024 to 12/05/2024, residents of Karaganda Medical University were trained in the discipline "Pediatric Nephrology" at the Kazan SMU.

On December 3, 2024, a meeting of residents of the 2nd year of study at the Karaganda Medical University with the rector of Kazan SMU Alexey Stanislavovich Sozinov took place. Rector Alexey Stanislavovich Sozinov and Head of the International Cooperation Department Tatyana Viktorovna Korobovtseva attended the meeting from Kazan SMU.

During the meeting, Irina Vasilyevna Lopukha, Rosa Nurzhankyzy Oralova and Ainura Kairatovna Sandybayeva shared their impressions of their work at the department, about Kazan SMU and Kazan. At the end of the meeting, a solemn presentation of certificates of successful completion of training took place.


XIII Interregional educational and practical conference of students "Professional Medical Practice at a Medical University"

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.


On November 11, 2024, a sectional meeting "International medical practice" in a mixed format was successfully held at Kazan State Medical University within the framework of the XIIInterregional Educational and Practical Conference of students "Professional Medical Practice at a Medical University".
Students of Kazan SMU, who had thier professional medical practice in the foreign universities, presented reports about their experience on the medical practice in the foreign hospitals.
The students of the foreign universities, who came to Kazan State Medical University in 2024 for their internship, presented their reports and thanked Kazan SMU, and TAMS team for the great opportunity to get excellent professional experience at the University clinics.
The following reports were made at the session of the section:

1. Dulcemaria Alvarez Paredes, student of the Southern Scientific University (Republic of Peru) – "Modeling of Ischemic Stroke in Rats. Cell Mediated Gene Therapy";

2. Halil Ibrahim Seyhan, student of Gaziantep University (Republic of Turkey) – "International practice in the Department of Anesthesiology of the RCOD in TAMS, Tatarstan";

3. Dinar Ziganshin, student of Izhevsk Medical Academy (Russian Federation) – "Features of communication of students with patients in the condition of linguistic barrier";

4. Matvey Khramov, student of Kazan State Medical University (Russian Federation) – "Medical practice 'assistant of procedure nurse'. 'International medical practice - comparative analysis'";

5. Aidana Otarbek, student of the Kazakh-Russian Medical University (Kazakhstan) – "Summer internship under the exchange program of KazMSA: SCOPE EXCHANGE ".

As a result of the work of the section, the works of individual students were highlighted and the winners were announced.

1st place:

Matvey Khramov. Topic: Medical practice 'assistant of procedure nurse'. 'International medical practice - comparative analysis'.

2nd place:

Dinar Ziganshin. Topic: Features of communication of students with patients in the condition of linguistic barrier.

3rd place:

Aidana Otarbek. Topic: Summer internship under the exchange program of Kazan MSA (TAMS): SCOPE EXCHANGE.

The jury highly appreciated the quality of the preparation and the selection of relevant topics of speeches that deserve the attention of a wide audience and the scientific community.

Congratulations to the winners! We wish you success in your studies and scientific activities! We look forward to seeing you at our section next year!





Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On September 24, 2024, Rector Alexey Stanislavovich Sozinov met with Professor Viktor Vladimirovich Zinchuk, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology of Grodno State Medical University (Grodno, Republic of Belarus), who is on a visit to Kazan SMU as part of the implementation of the innovative educational program "Molecular mechanisms of blood oxygen transport in norm and pathology", supported by a grant from the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan "Algarysh".

On the part of Kazan SMU, the meeting was attended by: Rector A.S. Sozinov, Head of the Department of International Cooperation T.V. Korobovtseva, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology M.A. Mukhamedyarov.

During the meeting, prospects for the development of cooperation in the field of medical science, education and healthcare were discussed. The meeting was held in an atmosphere of lively communication and mutual interest.


Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On September 23, 2024, Rector Alexey Stanislavovich Sozinov met with Professor Abdullah Utku Senol, Head of the Department of Neuroradiology at the Faculty of Medicine of Akdeniz University (Antalya, Turkey), who is on a visit to Kazan SMU as part of the implementation of the innovative educational program "Modern Technologies in Radiation Diagnostics", supported by a grant from the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan "Algarysh".

On the part of Kazan SMU, the meeting was attended by: Rector A.S. Sozinov, Head of the Department of International Cooperation T.V. Korobovtseva, Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics R.F. Baykeev, Head of the Department of Neurosurgery A.A. Pichugin, Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology G.R. Khuzina, Head of the Department of Oncology, Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy F.S. Akhmetzyanov, an employee of the Department of International cooperation Y.I. Popova.

The participants of the meeting discussed the prospects for the development of cooperation in the field of medical science, education and healthcare. The meeting was held in a traditionally friendly atmosphere, and the parties confirmed their commitment to developing cooperation.


Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

The first cycle of lectures by Professor Abdullah Utku Senol, Head of the Department of Neuroradiology at the Faculty of Medicine of Akdeniz University (Antalya, Turkey) has ended as part of the implementation of the innovative educational program "Modern technologies in radiation diagnostics", supported by a grant from the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan "Algarysh".

The lectures considered modern ideas about the technical possibilities of non-invasive diagnosis of pathology of the nervous system, detailing the functioning of the brain and spinal cord from the perspective of intercellular interactions and integration of metabolism. Considerable attention was paid to the development of relevant approaches to modeling algorithms for diagnosis and decision-making in the curation of patients with pathology of the nervous tissue of the brain and spinal cord when receiving data in vivo. 

The second series of lectures will be held from September 23 to 27.




Global University Impact Rankings 2024

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On June 12, 2024, the international rating agency Times Higher Education (THE) published the global university Impact Rankings 2024.

Kazan State Medical University took part in this ranking, taking 1501+ place in the overall ranking. Among 79 Russian universities included in the ranking, Kazan SMU took 66th place, 7th place among Russian medical universities.

According to the Sustainable Development Goal of:

1) Good health and wellbeing, Kazan SMU took 101-200th place among world universities, 4th place among Russian universities and 4th place among Russian medical universities.

2) Quality education Kazan SMU ranked 1001-1500th among world universities, 38th among Russian universities and 5th among Russian medical organizations.

3) Gender Equality, Kazan SMU took 1001+th place among world universities, 39th place among Russian universities and 6th place among Russian medical universities.

4) Partnership for the Goals, Kazan SMU ranked 1001-1500th among world universities, 33rd among Russian universities and 1st among Russian medical universities.

A total of 1,963 universities from 125 countries, including 79 Russian universities, are represented in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024.


Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Global Health Clinical Elective



  • Duration: 6-weeks
  • Period: July/August
  • Specialties: IM, Surgery, OBGYN; PSM
  • Benefits: Certificate of Completion (Publication in an indexed journal is mandatory)
  • Indian e-visa: Online application and confirmation
  • Spots available for students/residents: 2-4
  • Orientation meeting: Online, June 7 and 10, 2024
  • Eligibility criteria:
    • English language proficiency – B1 and higher
    • Higher GPA
    • Participation in extracurricular activities: Research, competitions, etc.
  • Selection process: Step 1: online application; Step 2: interview
  • Documents for application:
    • Application form filled and submitted online
    • Short CV with achievements and most impactful publications (Maximum two A4 pages)
      • Recommended sections on CV: Personal information; education; supplementary education; other activities; leadership positions; honors and awards; professional and society memberships; presentations given locally, nationally, and internationally; bibliography (manuscripts, abstracts, posters); community activities; language skills
    • Personal statement – not more than 500 words
    • Letter of recommendation (LoR):
      • from faculty member of respective clinical departments (example: If you are applying for clerkship in IM, then LoR should be from department of IM i.e. Hospital Therapy or Primary Care)
      • Should focus on the applicant, must have date when the letter was written, faculty member should provide: an explanation of the relationship with the applicant; underline the unique characteristics and credentials of the applicant; list accomplishments together with the applicant; if applicable share information and results of their prior work; highlight the contributions the applicant can make to the program; and why according to the faculty member, applicant is the best fit.

Applications are accepted at the International Cooperation Department by e-mail:Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.


Q: I want to get admission in KSMU. Please, give me information about admission procedure and fee structure to KSMU?

A: You can find all required information about admission procedure and fee structure to KSMU under the Admissions tab.

Q: I am a 4th year general medicine student from Kenya in Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy. I would like to know if I can transfer to KazanSMU and study the 4th year.

A: No, we cannot accept you to the 4th course. We do not accept transfer students. However, we can accept you in the first course.

Q: I am a Nigerian. I would like to study in KazanSMU. How to apply for study?

A: Please, visit our web-pages «Admissions» and then send us the filled application form and copy of your passport by e-mail . We will consider your application and reply you within 7-10 working days.

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All right reserved © 2015 Kazan State Medical University, Development by Sedelkov Dmitriy, The text is provided by Parve Swapnil
