Forum «Sechenov.Pro»

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Today the annual educational medical forum “Sechenov.Pro” has been opened in Moscow. Kazan State Medical University is represented at the forum by seven students, who successfully passed the qualifying stage of Olympiad “I am a Professional” and the motivation letter competition – Ilya Perevertov, Dinara Subkhangulova and Bulat Kabirov, students of the General Medicine department, Leila Khairullina, a student of the Pediatrics department, Mirlana Sungatova, a student of the Preventive Medicine department. Dentistry department of Kazan State Medical University is represented by Alexandra Ryskina, and the Institute of Pharmacy - by Valeria Pavlova.

Rimma Dzhumaeva, PhD in Economics, a psychologist of Kazan State Medical University, has been invited as a speaker at the forum, who will give a master class on artificial intelligence and human mental health.

The discussion and interactive program "Sechenov.Pro" includes dialogues on equal terms and master classes with the participation of school guests, networking, open sessions and meetups. Experts will talk about trends and innovative technologies in healthcare, new requirements for the quality and content of medical education, personal qualities and supra-professional competencies, which are necessary for a real doctor.

The educational medical forum “Sechenov.Pro” is one of the stages of the VII season of the All-Russian Olympiad for Students “I am a Professional”. It traditionally serves as a platform for direct dialogue between young doctors and experienced healthcare leaders of our country.

The forum will last until March 14.

The IV Olympiad of Kazan State Medical University on Epidemiology

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

We invite you to take part in the fourth Olympiad of Kazan State Medical University on Epidemiology!

The participation is individual. Students of the 4th-6th courses of Preventive Medicine, General Medicine, Pediatrics and Stomatology departments are invited to participate. The Olympiad will be held in off-line format.

The Organizer: Chair of Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine of Kazan State Medical University.

Theme - Epidemiological surveillance and disease control.

The Olympiad will be held at 17:00 on March, 24.

 The Venue: Str. Tolstoy, 6/30, lecture hall (2nd floor).

 The Stages of Olympiad:

  1. written test (written test with one-variant correct answer from 4 answers) – 1 point per every correct answer)
  2. situation tasks

 The Situation tasks: questions on the ability to analyze the manifestations of the epidemic process of the disease and to assess the quality and volume of preventive/anti-epidemic measures. (maximum 3 points per every correct answer).

Winner of Olympiad: student with maximum number of points on the results of all the tasks.

Finalists (5 people) will participate in the XII All-Russian Student Olympiad on Epidemiology «Epidemiological supervision and digital technologies: synergy for disease control» (Moscow, May, 16, 2024).

 The Olympiad jury:

  1. Khasanova Gulshat - Head of the Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine Chair.
  2. Khakimov Nias - Associate Professor of the Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine Chair.
  3. Nazarova Olga - Associate Professor of the Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine Chair.
  4. Lokotkova Alla - Associate Professor of the Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine Chair.
  5. Agliullina Saida - Associate Professor of the Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine Chair.

Our students at the World Festival of Youth

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Four students of Kazan State Medical University, a youth movement leader, Janibabu Sharmila Umar, group # 1520, a volunteer movement leader Alampalayam Ravichandran Aathe, group # 1432, the first-year postgraduate student Adelina Raimova and the sixth-year student Irakli Chanturia,  represent our university at the World Festival of Youth, in «Sirius», Sochi.

At the forum Janibabu Sharmila Umaru was lucky to meet Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko and express gratitude for the great opportunity to study at Kazan Medical University.

The World Youth Festival is held in Sochi from the 1-st to 7-th, March, by the decree of Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation. This year, more than 20,000 Russian and foreign young leaders participate in different fields of the Festival. 

The main goal of the Festival is development of the international young cooperation.

The World Festival of Youth is a great platform for open-hearted communication and opinion exchange, it helps to unit in solving social problems, and helps each other in building equitable world.

The World Festival of Youth is the beginning of new friendship and mutual enrichment of different peoples cultures and traditions!



Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On February, 29, «The Best Young Scientist of Tatarstan Republic of 2023» awarding ceremony was taking place at Kazan State Institute of Culture.

The competition had been held by the Movement of Young Scientists of Tatarstan together with the Ministry of Youth Affairs of Tatarstan since 2010 within the framework of the implementation of the grant of PJSC «Tatneft». More than 250 participants were under the competition, 25 scientists became winners.

The representatives of Kazan State Medical University are among the winners.

Darya Gordeeva, the PhD graduate, assistant of the Institute of Pharmacy was awarded the 3rd place diploma in the nomination «The best postgraduate student in the field of natural sciences» within the competition «Best young scientist of the Republic of Tatarstan 2023».

Anna Terekhova, a student of the medical faculty awarded a scholarship of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Diana Abdulganiyev, the Vice-Chancellor of Kazan State Medical University, Marat Mukhamedyarov, the Head of the Normal Physiology Department of Kazan State Medical University, Alina Garayeva, the Chairman of the Young Scientists Council of Kazan State Medical University participated in the ceremony.



Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Students of Kazan State Medical University are part of emergency medical  teams at competition sites, they also work in Kazan hospitals that assist to the Games of the Future.  Foreign Students who came to study in Tatarstan from other countries help foreign guests to overcome the language barrier during emergency situations arises.

As Andrey Abramov, the coordinator of the FMBA consolidated squad noted earlier ( ?single): «if we are talking about traditional sports disciplines, the most common reasons for participants to consult doctors are injuries or exacerbation of chronic diseases. The peculiarity of the medical support of the Games is their digital component: many participants spend hours sitting in front of computers in constant nervous tension». Therefore, in addition to areas for physical recovery, psychological support rooms work at the Games: specialists help athletes deal with anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, etc.

It was very difficult to get to the Games of the Future - all medical volunteers underwent preliminary selection for the right to work at the tournament sites, as well as additional training.  One of these lucky ones is Roman Kiselyov, a 6th year student of the pediatric department:

- I really wanted to get to the Games of the Future, because this is a historic event for Kazan, our country and the whole world, – he says. – And I am extremely glad to be not just a witness, but also a direct participant in it. Me and my friends had special training and were very proud that we could represent the volunteer movement of the Kazan State Medical University at a tournament.

According to the rector of Kazan State Medical University Alexey Sozinov, students of all courses and all faculties take part in the Games of the Future:

- It is a great honor and responsibility for the university, and for students it is a great school and an opportunity to prove themselves in their profession.

The Russian Federation was represented at the parade of participating countries during the opening ceremony of the tournament by a student of the pediatric faculty of our university, Ekaterina Morozova, embodying the image of an open, hospitable and modern Russia!

Ekaterina was born in Chistopol, is actively engaged in social work, conduct master classes in painting for patients of city hospices. She was awarded the title of "Miss Kazan State Medical University-2022" and "Miss Kazan-2023", participated in the republican contest "Miss Tatarstan-2022", reached the final of the national contest "Miss Russia-2023", where she entered the Top 20 and won the national costume contest. The future pediatrician donated part of her prize money to buy medical supplies for military personnel in SVO area.

Pupils’ Olympiad «Future of medicine»

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

The results of the first round of the Pupils’ Olympiad «Future of medicine» have been summed up!

Passing score for participation in the second (full-time) round of the Olympiad is 44.1.

You can see your points in your personal account on the platform Future doctor.

 All participants, who passed in the first step of Olympiad, should arrive on March, 24, (Sunday) by 10:00 a.m. (local time)

The venues of the full-time stage of the Olympiad is Kazan State Medical University, Teaching and Laboratory Building №1 on Kazan, Str. Butlerov, 49 b.

 You can see Olympiad results following the link «Future of medicine»


Access to EBSCO Information Services GmbH (EBSCO) company’s publications in English

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Dear readers!

 As part of the national subscription, the University has been provided with EBSCO Information Services GmbH (EBSCO) company’s publications in English.

 To search for e-books you have to go to the library’s electronic catalog, mark the database EBSCO Electronic Editions on the right, enter in search the topic you are interested in (keyword).

To download the book, you should log in.


Hockey puck and joystick.

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

A few days before the opening of the first-ever "Games of the Future", as a part of the traditional winter campaign "The Way to Health", phygital hockey competitions were held at Kazan State Medical University.

At the first stage, teams "KSMU-1" and "KSMU-2", formed by the captain of the university's hockey team, a student of the pedagogical faculty, Albert Safin, met in a virtual battle. The KSMU-1 team won the fight.

The next day, teams, wearing the hockey equipment, went out on the “Trudovye Rezervy” stadium ice. The symbolic hockey puck throw was carried out by the rector of Kazan State Medical University Alexey Sozinov. The KSMU-1 team won this game again with a score of 3:0. The total score of the tourney in phygital hockey was 5:0.

By the way, a mixed team of teachers, PhD-students and graduates of the medical university tried their hand at a real ice tourney. They played with "KSMU-1" team in a draw and defeated "KSMU-2", became absolute winners of the blitz tourney and owners of the Challenge Cup. 



Internship in Germany

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On February 13, 2024, Honorary Professor of Kazan State Medical University, Dr. Asad Kutup, Head of the Department of General and Visceral Surgery at the Asklepios Nord Clinic, Hamburg, Germany visited Razan State Medical University. During the visit, the final lectures of the educational course on abdominal surgery “Surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis” and “Updated information on the pancreatic cancer treatment” were held.

At the end of the lectures, students were tested. Doctor A. Kutup awarded certificates to students who successfully completed the educational course.

Students, who showed the best knowledge and high test results were recommended to complete an internship under the guidance of Dr. Asad Kutup at the Asclepios Nord - Heidberg Medical Center, Hamburg, Germany. Congratulations to Rakhmatova Hilola and Mohamed Ahmed Salah! We wish them success and great professional wins!


Q: I want to get admission in KSMU. Please, give me information about admission procedure and fee structure to KSMU?

A: You can find all required information about admission procedure and fee structure to KSMU under the Admissions tab.

Q: I am a 4th year general medicine student from Kenya in Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy. I would like to know if I can transfer to KazanSMU and study the 4th year.

A: No, we cannot accept you to the 4th course. We do not accept transfer students. However, we can accept you in the first course.

Q: I am a Nigerian. I would like to study in KazanSMU. How to apply for study?

A: Please, visit our web-pages «Admissions» and then send us the filled application form and copy of your passport by e-mail . We will consider your application and reply you within 7-10 working days.

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All right reserved © 2015 Kazan State Medical University, Development by Sedelkov Dmitriy, The text is provided by Parve Swapnil
