Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On April 19, 2024, the first vice-rector of Kazan SMU Laysan Muzipovna Mukharyamova met with a delegation of the Karaganda Medical University. In the period from April 14, 2024 to April 20, 2024, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Kuatbek Kuanyshbekovich Toleubekov, Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Biostatistics Aliya Ibragimovna Takuadina and Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Biostatistics Ksenia Eduardovna Mkhitaryan, as part of academic mobility programs, interned in educational and scientific departments of Kazan SMU.

During the meeting, the results of fruitful work in educational and scientific departments, as well as further directions and prospects for international cooperation between Kazan SMU and Karaganda Medical University were discussed.


Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On April 18, 2024, the annual scientific and practical conference "Salikhov Readings" was held in Kazan.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Association of Rheumatologists of Russia Evgeny Nasonov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Rheumatology Alexander Lila, Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases No. 1 of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Chief Consultant in Rheumatology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, MD Hilola Mirakhmedova, Vice-rector of Kazan SMU Diana Abdulganieva and staff of the Department of Hospital Therapy of Kazan SMU.

The event also featured lectures on current and urgent issues of modern diagnostics and innovative methods of treatment of rheumatic diseases, including in patients who have undergone COVID-19.

The Salikhov readings were organized by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Rheumatologists of Russia", the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "V.A. Nasonova Scientific Research Institute of Rheumatology" and the All-Russian Public Organization "Society of Doctors of Russia".



Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On April 17, 2024, a meeting was held with Razakov Azizbek Khayitovich, First Secretary of the Consulate General of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Kazan with citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan studying at the Kazan SMU.

At the beginning of the meeting, Azizbek Khayitovich solemnly awarded the best students with certificates for outstanding academic achievements.

During the meeting, the First Secretary of the Consulate, Azizbek Hayitovich, held a conversation aimed at preventing the manifestation of extremist and terrorist activities among young people among foreign students and at solving problems related to ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state. The students got acquainted with the norms of legislation establishing responsibility for participation and assistance in terrorist activities.

The meeting was productive and eventful. At the end of the meeting, Azizbek Khayitovich answered all the questions of interest to the students.




Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Rector of Kazan SMU Alexey Stanislavovich Sozinov met with the management of FtizisBioMed, a company specializing in the development of medical artificial intelligence.

The company was represented at the meeting by Viktor Klassen, General Director of Radio Company Vector, Chairman of the Management Board of LLC FtizisBioMed, Ilya Prosvirkin, IT Director of LLC FtizisBioMed, and Maxim Myasnikov, Commercial Director.

On the part of Kazan SMU, in addition to the rector, the meeting was attended by Ildar Akhtyamov, Head of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Surgery of Extreme Conditions, and Milyausha Rakhmatullina, Vice-rector, Director of the Department of Digital Transformation of the University.

The subject of discussion was the participation of Kazan SMU in the development of services based on artificial medical intelligence in the field of traumatology, the possibility of developing a joint educational program with the company and the formation of digital competencies when working with AI technologies within the framework of the Digital Department project. Following the results of the event, which was held on a friendly, positive note, the vectors of further work were determined. We hope for a positive and fruitful cooperation!





Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

In the period from April 11 to 18, 2024, as part of academic mobility, graduates of the Karaganda Medical University Provorotova Ilona and Kuderina Jamila completed a pedagogical practice at the Kazan SMU. The students actively participated in the scientific conference "White Flowers", visited the simulation center "Educational Pharmacy of Kazan SMU" and the youth scientific laboratory "Drug Delivery Systems". They also got acquainted with the organization of practical classes in the teaching rooms of pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical technology and biotechnology. In addition, they attended seminars on the specialty "Organization of pharmaceutical business" and studied the organization of practical classes in the teaching room of botany and pharmacognosy.

On April 17, the solemn presentation of certificates to Ilona Provorotova and Jamila Kuderina, confirming the successful completion of pedagogical practice, took place. The students expressed their vivid emotions and pleasant impressions about Kazan SMU and the city of Kazan.


Lecture by Professor Asad Kutup

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On April 11, 2024, the second lecture of the new cycle on abdominal surgery was successfully held, which was delivered by Dr. Asad Kutup, Honorary Professor of Kazan SMU, Head of the Department of Visceral Surgery at the Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg Medical Center (Hamburg, Germany). The lecture was organized in an online format and was a great success. The students actively participated in the discussion and asked many questions about the topic of the lecture.

At the very beginning of the lecture, Hilola Rakhmatova, a student of Kazan SMU, who is undergoing an internship under the guidance of Dr. Asad Kutup at the Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg Medical Center (Hamburg, Germany), shared her impressions about her activities. Hilola noted that she is very grateful to Dr. Kutup and his colleagues for the warm welcome, and the internship program is designed in such a way that she receives deep professional knowledge and extensive practical experience. Hilola expressed gratitude to Kazan SMU for giving her a unique opportunity to meet with outstanding doctors in Germany.

Hilola Rakhmatova, a student of Kazan SMU, was lucky enough to complete an internship at the Asklepios Klinik Nord - Heidberg Medical center (Hamburg, Germany) under the guidance of Professor Asad Kutup. This internship was made possible thanks to the successful results of testing conducted by Professor A. Kutup in February 2024, after completing a series of lectures on abdominal surgery.

The new series of lectures by Dr. A. Kutup is held online from April 4 to June 6, 2024 every Thursday at 18:00 Moscow time.

Subscribe to the Telegram channel "Lectures by Prof. A. Kutup" to keep up to date with the latest news about Dr. A. Kutup's lectures:



Attention! Lectures by Dr. A. Kutup.

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Dear colleagues,

On April, 04, 2024 (this Thursday!), lectures by Dr. Asad Kutup, Honorary Professor of Kazan SMU, Privat-Dozent Head of Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Asklepios Nord Clinic, Hamburg, Germany,  will be started!

The first lecture “Individualized oncological surgery on the example of rectal carcinoma” will be held online this Thursday, April, 04, 2024, at 6 p.m. Moscow time.

To join the lecture, please, follow this link

When joining the lecture, please, indicate your full name and group number, so we can mark attendance correctly. 

Future lectures will be held every Thursday at 6 p.m. Moscow time.

Subscribe to the Telegram channel about Dr. Kutup's lectures to receive information about changes in the schedule:

Dr. Kutup's textbook and past video lectures can be found here:

Please, contact International Affairs Office of Kazan SMU (236-77-44, +79105655898), if any questions will occur. 

Lecture by Dr. Ugur Bilge

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On April, 26, at 16:00 on the MTS Link platform there will be an online lecture of Dr. Ugur Bilge, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Medicine Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, PhD Akdeniz University Antalya, Turkey.

Lecture: «Recent developments in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine».

The lecture will be held in English.

Link to the online lecture:


Lectures by Professors of Gomel State Medical University

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Dear Colleagues! 

On April 24, 2024, within the 100th anniversary of the Infectious Diseases Chair of Kazan State Medical University and in order to develop academic mobility, lecture "Neurological consequences of Covid19" by Galinovskaya Natalia Viktorovna, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Gomel State Medical University and lecture "Differential diagnosis of liver disease" by Malayeva Ekaterina Gennadyevna, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases №1 with a course of endocrinology, of Gomel State Medical University will be held at Kazan State Medical Unniversity.

The lectures will take place offline on April 24, 2024 at 9:30 in the conference hall of the NUK building of the Kazan State University at the address. Butlerov Street, 49B, 1st floor.




Q: I want to get admission in KSMU. Please, give me information about admission procedure and fee structure to KSMU?

A: You can find all required information about admission procedure and fee structure to KSMU under the Admissions tab.

Q: I am a 4th year general medicine student from Kenya in Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy. I would like to know if I can transfer to KazanSMU and study the 4th year.

A: No, we cannot accept you to the 4th course. We do not accept transfer students. However, we can accept you in the first course.

Q: I am a Nigerian. I would like to study in KazanSMU. How to apply for study?

A: Please, visit our web-pages «Admissions» and then send us the filled application form and copy of your passport by e-mail . We will consider your application and reply you within 7-10 working days.

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