Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Residency Education Committee Meeting took place on December 25, 2019 with the participation of the acting rector A.S. Sozinov. The meeting was attended by A.V. Shulaev, acting vice-rector for regional health development,  A. A. Malova, acting vice-rector on development of postgraduate education, M. A. Mukhamedyarov,  Head of International Affairs Department, A. N. Maksudova , Senior Educational Officer for Residency Education , M. V. Kuznetsov , Deputy chief physician for the medical part of the Clinic of the Medical University, M. V. Burmistrov , Deputy chief physician for science, development and innovative technologies of RCH, M. N. Mukharyamov , Deputy Director on medical part of ICDC.

The following issues were discussed during the meeting: audit report on the upcoming institutional accreditation, the work plan of the Residency Education Committee for 2020.

OSCE in Internal Medicine Program

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On December 18, 2019, the residents of Internal Medicine Program passed OSCE  in the simulation center of KSMU.



Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

In accordance with the decision of the Royal College of physicians and surgeons of Canada on July 12, 2019, the Internal Medicine Residency Program of Kazan State Medical University received the status of an accredited program for a period of 4 years. This status confirms that the Kazan State Medical University meets the highest international educational standards and applies the principles of continuous improvement of the quality of educational services. Accreditation of the residency program allows graduates of the program after passing exams to engage in medical activities in Canada and the United States.
It should be noted that the residency program of Kazan State Medical University was the first international program in the world (outside Canada), accredited by the Royal College of physicians and surgeons of Canada. Kazan State Medical University became the first medical university in the CIS and Eastern Europe who received institutional accreditation of the Royal College of physicians and surgeons of Canada in 2017. Thus, graduates of the KSMU "Internal Medicine" program who have fully completed the program and the corresponding exams (USMLE, MKSAP) have the same rights as graduates of medical schools in the United States and Canada.

KSMU in the list of accredited Internal Medicine programs at Royal College website:

Press release at the Royal college website:

KSMU in the list of collaborative partners at the Royal College website:



Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Residency Education Committee Meeting took place on June 28, 2019. The meeting was attended by A.V. Shulaev, Vice-rector for regional health development, M. A. Mukhamedyarov, Head of International Affairs Department, A. N. Maksudova ,Residency Program Director, M. V. Kuznetsov , Deputy chief physician for the medical part of the Clinic of the Medical University, E. B. Frolova , Deputy chief physician for the diagnosis of City Hospital № 7, M. N. Mukharyamov , Deputy Director on medical part of ICDC.

The following issues were discussed during the meeting: the implementation of residency program at clinical sites, accreditation of Internal Medicine Residency program of KSMU, work of residents during Worldskills in Kazan, implementation of the project "Clinical faculty of residency program of KSMU".


Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Jeffrey Wong, Professor of the University of Pennsylvania, held an educational course "Doctor's communication skills development" from May, 13-17 2019. The course participants were clinical faculty, faculty of KSMU departments, residents. The following topics were studied in detail during the seminars:

- Giving bad news to patients.

- The Health Advocate in Health System Science.

-  Improving Resident Handoffs in Patient Care Transitions.

- Update on screening recommendations.

- Improving your critical thinking skills.

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