Timetable of Russian and English language examinations for applicants to Internal Medicine Residency Program:

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Face-to-face examinations:

Russian language – June 23, 13:00, classroom 454, NUK (consultation on June 22, 10:00, same classroom)

English language – June 27, 15:00, classroom 528, NUK


Online examinations (for applicants outside of Kazan only):

English language – June 27, 10:00, via skype

Russian language – June 27, 14:00, via skype

For online examination please add to your skype contacts account oia_ksmu. In indicated time you will recieve incoming call.


Подписано простой электронной подписью: Инга Назарова.

Kazan State Medical University announces admission for the international students to the "Internal Medicine" Residency Program. Residency Program start 1 October 2017. 

Admission of foreign citizens to residency education at KSMU is performed on competition basis according to application, accompanying documents, results of entrance tests.

To apply for the Residency program you will need to fill out the Application Form  and hand in the following documents:

1) Updated CV (resume)

2) Color portrait photo

3) Letter of Intention 

4) Copy of passport

5) Russian exam result

6) Copy of medical degree certificate or diploma with transcript.

Please put together your application and mandatory documents in one PDF document and send to the Residency program office: ksmuresidency(at)mail.ru. The application deadline is the 10 June 2017.

Residency Application Form 2017 Residency Application Form 2017



Подписано простой электронной подписью: Инга Назарова.

Dear colleagues!

On May 11-17 workshops for Faculty of Residency Program and residents will be held in Kazan State Medical University in framework of Commencement events:

Dr. Jeffrey Wong
Professor of University of Pennsylvania (USA)
«Evaluating Residents for Competency: Developing Metrics in the CanMEDS system»                        May 11 (Thursday), 2:00 pm, Rector's Meeting Hall

Dr. Jeffrey Wong
Professor of University of Pennsylvania (USA)
«Direct Observation of Resident's Clinical Skills»                                                                                   May 12 (Friday), 1:30 pm, Rector's Meeting Hall

Dr. Jeffrey Wong
Professor of University of Pennsylvania (USA)
«Update on Screening for Hepatitis C, HIV and Cancer - Best Practices»                                             May 16 (Tuesday), 1:30 pm, Dissertation Hall

Dr. Jeffrey Wong
Professor of University of Pennsylvania (USA)
«Giving Bad News to Patients»                                                                                                                 May 17 (Wednesday), 1:30 pm, Dissertation Hall 

Venue of public lectures: 

Kazan State Medical University
Main building, 1st floor,
 Butlerov street, 49

International accreditation of KSMU

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Инга Назарова.

On April 17, 2017 KSMU was accredited by Royal college of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada for 3 years. This decision was made according to visit of Royal college of Canada expert to KSMU and as a result of The International residency Program Review Accreditation Committee meeting.

Status of institutional accreditation of Royal college of Canada acknowledges high international status and authority of KSMU, and it is necessary condition of accreditation of residency educational programs of KSMU. We would like to remind that KSMU carries out residency the program “Internal Medicine” since 2015.

Presently, KSMU is the only one medical university in Russia and CIS, which is accredited by Royal College of Canada. We congratulate officers and students of KSMU with that achievement!

Information was offered by the head of office of international affairs, 
senior manager of Residency program of KSMU, M.A. Mukhamedyarov.

Meeting of KSMU Rector, A.S.Sozinova with Thomas Maniatis, expert of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Инга Назарова.

In KSMU the meeting of rector, prof. A.S.Sozinov, withexpert of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, professor of McGill University, Thomas Maniatis took place on April 5, 2017. The visit of expert is connected with the present process of accreditation and auditing of residency program “Internal medicine”.

The following people took part in the meeting: vice-rector on clinical work A.V.Shulaev, head of office of international affairs M.A.Mukhamedyarov, director of residency program A.N. Maksudova, chairman of Local Ethic committee of KSMU prof. M.E. Guryleva, specialist of office of international affairs I.A.Nazarova.

On the meeting rector presented brief review of history and contemporary achievements of KSMU. In his turn prof. Maniatis shared his impressions of Kazan and university. Prof. Maniatis appreciated the work of residency program, which is realized on the base of KSMU, and the work of whole university in general. Mutual photo was taken after handing over the souvenir to professor of McGill University, Thomas Maniatis.

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