Research findings
Delphi Consensus on Sarcoidosis Phenotypes, based on the CT scan results, published for the first time in the world’s most cited journal on respiratory medicine “THE LANCET. Respiratory Medicine”.
Delphi Consensus on Sarcoidosis Phenotypes, based on the CT scan results, published for the first time in the world’s most cited journal on respiratory medicine “THE LANCET. Respiratory Medicine”.
On December 22, 2023, the international educational module “Interesting in Cardiology”, conducted by Kazan State Medical University within the framework of the international scientific and educational consortium, completes its work.
Kazan State Medical University entered the Top-10 in the media and social media ranking among Russian medical universities.
A fourth-year student of Kazan State Medical University became a prize-winner of the International Olympiad for students of medical universities.
On December 14, 2023, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Chair of the Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Department of Pavlodar branch of Semey Medical University Guzyal Abilmaginova held a lecture on the topic “Anderson - Fabry disease” for residents of the Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases Department named after Professor S.S. Zimnitsky of Kazan State Medical University.
International Olympiad in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology for students of 4-5 year of study, which was organized by the Internal Medicine Department and Endocrinology Department of Tashkent Medical Academy, is over.
On December 13, 2023, the delegation of Jizzakh region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, headed by the Сhief of the Jizzakh Regional Health Department Ozoda Makhmudova, visited Kazan State Medical University.
On December 2 – 9, 2023, the delegation of Kazan State Medical University, consisting of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Students Alina Bairasheva and students - winners of the plenary session of the XXII Interregional Educational Practical Conference for Students “On-the job training in a medical university. Expanding horizons”, was on a visit at Tashkent Medical Academy (Republic of Uzbekistan).
On December 12, 2023, the delegation of Mayavilai company (Beijing, China) consisting of CEO Dai Lu, Executive Director Van Nan, Deputy Director Se Weixing, Head of the International Relations Department U Xiaojen and company representative in Kazan Hao Chaoyang visited Kazan State Medical University.
Q: I want to get admission in KSMU. Please, give me information about admission procedure and fee structure to KSMU?
A: You can find all required information about admission procedure and fee structure to KSMU under the Admissions tab.
Q: I am a 4th year general medicine student from Kenya in Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy. I would like to know if I can transfer to KazanSMU and study the 4th year.
A: No, we cannot accept you to the 4th course. We do not accept transfer students. However, we can accept you in the first course.
Q: I am a Nigerian. I would like to study in KazanSMU. How to apply for study?
A: Please, visit our web-pages «Admissions» and then send us the filled application form and copy of your passport by e-mail . We will consider your application and reply you within 7-10 working days.